The date

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Claire Amber Rose





Okay calm down it's just a date, nothing else.

I can do this.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and pointed a finger at it. "You can do this."

"No, I cannot do this. What if I embarrass myself?" I mumbled to myself and jumped hearing someone knock on the door.

"Hey, you okay there?" I cleared my throat and try to remain calm. "Yeah, be there in a minute." Taking a last deep breath, I head out from the bathroom. "Are you sure you, okay? You been there for like 15 minutes and I'm worried." I smiled reassuring to Dennis.

"No, I'm fine. Just touch up my make up." He eyed me suspiciously but didn't ask any further. We both head back to our table and at the same time our food came. The first 10 minutes we eat in silent. I could feel the awkwardness is starting to rise. I bet Dennis feel it too.

Dennis Harrington

I thought that going out on a date will be easy, but my thoughts were wrong. It is not as easy as it was in a movie where two people can get to know each other easily. Having a conversation without any awkwardness.

10 minutes has passed and none of us haven't start a conversation. I decided to be the first who make a conversation. "How's the pasta? Is it good?" she swallowed before speak. "Yeah, it is. How's your steak?"

"Not bad." She nods then we went back in silence.



The two of us talk simultaneously. "You first." She gestured for me to speak first, but I shook my head and let her speak first.

"Okay," I watched her every move a bit. A bit nervous not knowing what she will do or say. Will she say this date is bad or worst? Grabbing the glass of wine, I drank all the content in one gulped. She looked at me with a hint of shock etched on her face.

"You, okay?" I gently smile. "Yeah, I'm good. So, what are you going to say?"

Leaning back to her chair, she plays with the hem of the napkin. "I just want to say that... I am not very good at this."

So, it is not just me? I thought I was the only one. Thank God.

"Really?" she nods her head and looked at me shyly. "I'm not good at this either."

"You're not? But aren't you always head out with lots of women?"

"I did, but never in a relationship."

"So, this is your first date?" she asked me. "Yep, my very first. How about you ever been to a date before?" she took her time to answer that, like she's hesitating whether or not to tell me. "Yeah, once."

My eyebrow raised. Surprised to find out that she had been to a date before even though it is only one time. I'm jealous of him. "Who's the lucky guy?" but why did she looked kinda awkward if she ever done this before.

"But you look quite anxious the first minute on our date. She tucked her hair behind her ear showing her 3 ear pierces. It's beautiful. She looked a bit shy which is new for me cause I never seen her being shy like this. "Oh, it's been a while since the last time I've been on a date. Not to mention I am going on a date with you which is weird knowing I hated you a few months ago."

Leaning back to the chair, I grab the glass of wine and took a sipped. "Funny how things changes, huh?"

"You could say that."

"Does your friend know about our date?" I asked her. "No, I like to keep it that way for a while. But I doubt this will be a secret knowing there's always paparazzi tailing us."

The rest of the night we carried the conversation more easily and at ease. The awkward tension slowly subdue. Our conversation are mainly at work and life, and I just remember something I want to ask her about.

"I was wondering..."

"About what?" she said as she scoop the ice cream. "The reason you were drunk. I mean you're not really the type of person to get drunk without any purpose. So, what's bothering you?"

Her shoulder tense as I question her. Claire clench the spoon in her hands tightly. "Claire, you don't have to tell me if you're not okay about it." her eyes gazed upon me as she let out a breath. "No, it's okay." She place the spoon down and turned her gaze out the window.

"I was having a fight with my mom."

"Is it about the thing with your family?" she nods. "Yeah. It just that she kept defending them even though they treated us like trash. The most shocking thing is when she told me she forgive them just like that. Do you believe it?"

"Maybe she wants to open a new page.

"Well, I am not going to do that. After what they have done to us." she leans back to the chair crossing her arms, glaring at the wall behind me. "Just do what you think is right. But you're not going to stay like this forever with your mom, right?"

"Of course not, I love my mom, but she is too naïve to see it. She always thinks every people is nice, just the timing isn't right. I don't even understand that. Let's just talk about something else." Don't want to turned this date to be awkward again, so I agree with her, and we changed the subject.

The rest of the evening going pretty much well. We ate dessert while talking about my sister and her friends. Even though she didn't really go into detail, but it was nice knowing a little bit about her.

"I honestly enjoy our date." She said as we exit the restaurant.

"Me too, although there was a bit of awkwardness at first, but hey, it ended up well." She lightly chuckles. "It sure did." We both are staring at each other, slowly getting closer. Her scent is like vanilla and strawberry.


Leaning forward to her attempting to make a move that I have imagined since the first time we met, only being interrupting by a phone call. Which is not mine. We both back away and looked around awkwardly. There it goes, the awkwardness is back again.

I glanced to her and saw her face scrunched up in a not so good way. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I got to go. Talk to you later." She smiles forcedly and step into her car. The driver drove away, and I stood there wondering the sudden change on her expression, not to mention she looks a bit tense. Maybe it has something to do with her mom? I just hope everything's okay.

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