I hate roses

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Claire Amber Rose

"How was your trip to London?" Lauren asked Adrianna. "It was nice." I put my cup of tea down and raised an eyebrow at Adrianna that is sitting on his desk while typing something on her laptop. We are currently at Adrianna's office having a chat. She's not a really big fan to go out to just have a chat. Let's just say she's an introverted kind of person.

"What are you doing in London anyway?" I question her. She glance at us then smirked. "You'll see." Lauren and I share a confused look. I swear Adrianna always up to something.

"Now, if you girls don't mind, I have a meeting." She smiles at us then brings her laptop with her. When she walked out I turned to Lauren. "What do you think she's hiding?"

Lauren shrugged and got up. "You know Adrianna, she always handles everything by herself and never asks for our help but I know if she needs us she will tell us." I nodded and got up as well. "Well then, chit chat is over now let's get back to work. I have to go to Italy to meet someone there.."

"Who's the person?" I asked. "An old guy name Giovanni Bianchi." I raised an eyebrow as she said that. "Giovanni?" she nodded as we make our way out from Adrianna's office. "Do you have a picture of him?" she pulled out her phone from her purse then open her gallery. She shows the picture to me.

"This is the photo that Mario send me." I scrunched my eyebrow as I see the picture. "I think I ever saw him once but I forgot where. I suggest you ask Adrianna about it cause when I met him, I got a bad vibe from him." she scoffed. "I always ask Mario to do a background check on every person that I will meet. Besides, I can defend myself in case anything happens. We train for a reason remember?"

She got a point.

"I guess you're right but be careful." We got in the lift, at the same time Lauren receive a phone call. The lift dings and we walked out. "Remember be careful Lauren." I reminded her.

She rolled her eyes still holding a phone at her ear. "Yes mom," she joke then chuckled. I waved her goodbye and enter my car. Driving away from Adrianna building, I drive straight to my building because I have 5 clients who want me to design their dress.

Arriving at my building, I got out and make my way inside. My employee greeted me and I nod my head in response. I enter the lift and press my floor button. Waiting for the lift to stop on my floor, I lean back to the wall. The lift dings and I step out from the lift. I head inside my office but stop when my secretary calls me.

Turning to look at her, I raised my eyebrow. "What is it?"

She smiles knowingly which I looked at her in confusion. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"You never tell me you have a boyfriend."

"Because I don't have any."

"You don't have to be shy to admit it."

"Okay, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You can check your office." I nodded my head slowly and head inside my office. I walked to my desk and put my bag down. Picking up the flower bouquet, I saw a card on top of it. I put down the flower and open the card.

A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady,

Your truly

I rolled my eyes as I finished reading the card. How cliche this guy is?

Grabbing my phone from inside my bag, I took my contact book and find his number. When I found his number, immediately I contact him then waited for him to pick my phone call.

"Hello who's this?" he asked in a professional tone.

"Mr. Harrington I don't know if I should be happy or annoyed that you send me this flower."

"Oh, Ms. Rose. I thought your secretary will be the one who contacts me." his professional tone switches to playful.

"Hm... I thought so too but when I found out about this flower, I change my mind. So, why do you send me this flower?"

"How do you know that I send that flower to you? It could be anyone else. Are you thinking about me so that's why you thought I was the one who sends it? I-" I cut him off. "Before your mind wonders somewhere else, no. I did not think about you. As a matter of fact, I am annoyed at you because you know why?"

"Why?" his voice lace in curiosity. "I hate flowers especially roses," I said coldly. "W-what?" He said in surprise.

"You heard me. now if you excuse me, I have a lot of work to do. For the flower, I will send it back to you." with that, I hung up the phone. I swear this guy is full of himself! Calling my secretary, I inform her to send the flower to his office. She gives me a confused looked but I ignore and order her to send it back.

Sitting in my chair, I open my laptop and my Ipad to color the sketch that I have drew. Not even a minute my phone ring, glancing at the phone number, I smirked and ignore his calls.

He said that I thought about him? Yeah right, like I will.

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