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Claire Amber Rose

"Are you serious?" I said while laughing. "Yup, that's why my sister hate me."

"You're so mean." I chuckled.

We are currently having dinner at a Chinese restaurant. It has been a week since the first time we have lunch together. The next day he kept coming to my office despite his promises to never disturb me again. I did reject his offer but as mean as I am, I felt bad if I keep rejecting him. I admire his efforts though, so the last couple of days, I agree having lunch or dinner with him.

If I'm being honest, he isn't that bad. Yes, he still is a playboy but I never see a news about him hanging out with a girl anymore. Maybe he changed? I don't know. But if he really did change, I'm suprised. Everytime we met he always flirt with me and sometimes saying things unexpected. I don't really get affected by it cause I know that is his nature so I'm not suprised, but lately he's been really sweet and caring too.

And that scared the shit out of me. Everytime he's sweet to me, all I could do is smile awkwardly cause I am not use with this sweet gesture.

Even after our few meeting, I am still not used to it.

"How's work?" Dennis ask me.

"Busy as usual. What about you?"

"I could say the same." I nodded. "By the way, why bringing me out for dinner?" He shrugs. "Why not?"

"But is Saturday and we usual have dinner or lunch on weekdays."

"You still don't get it do you?" My eyebrow knitted. "Get what?" He sighs. "Do you know the reason why I asked you to have dinner with me?"

"To eat?"

"Other than that?" I sipped my wine. "Um... to have a friend to talk to." He sat up straight. "Wait what?"


He looks at me in disbelief. "Friend you said?" I nodded. "Isn't that what we are?" He lean back to his chair with a sad expression. Did I said something wrong? I mean we're friends right? What did he think we are?

"What's with the face? You should be grateful that I consider you as a friend. I don't easily choose a random person to be my friend."

"So why did you consider me as a friend then?" I shrugged. "I don't know, but I think because you kept showing up at my office and you are not as bad as I thought you'll be. Yes, maybe sometime you can be a little bit annoying."

Dennis Harrington


She only sees me as a friend.

After all my efforts, she only see me not more than a friend. I don't know what to feel right now. Should I be happy or upset? I mean is great that she consider me as a friend, but I just  hope it could be more than that.

I can't imagine if I tell Adrian about this he surely will mock me non-stop and say I should stop doing whatever I'm doing right now.

At least there's a progress. I need to try harder next time.

On my way home, her words keep replaying in my head. "Um... to have a friend to talk to." Damn, I'm being friendzone. Never in my life I'm being friend zone only Claire who did this.

As I arrived home, I made my way inside. "What's with the face?" I lift my head up to see my sister walking down the stairs. "Nothing." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Liar. Is this a girl problem?" I glared at her. She laughed. "It is about girl. Why? Did you you rejected? Or..." Her eyes sparkle in mischievous. "she friend zoning you?"

I ignore her then make my way to the kitchen. I could hear her following me. "She did friend zoning you." She laughed loudly that annoyed me.

"Why are you here anyway?" I said getting irritated. "Oh my gosh, I still can't believe there's a girl who only see you as a friend. Finally, who's the girl? I need to say thank you to her." I rolled my eyes.

"She's unlike other girls that I met and I'm intrigued by her."

"So this time you're not whoring around?" She smirks and I glared at her. "Shut up, I never do that."

"Oh yeah, the fact that you went out with a different girl almost everyday clearly explain it all."

"That was a long time ago." I mumbled. "It means you stop doing it? Wow, who's this girl that made you changed? You're clearly whip bro."

"Just go to sleep, Becca." She chuckles lightly then made her way out from the kitchen. "One more thing bro, don't give up on her even though she kept rejecting you or only see you as friend. Maybe she has her reason." With that she left the kitchen.

Two people told me to not give up on her and I won't give up on her. She could be as cold as ice, as hard as rock but I will try to break that and make her mine.

The question is how long?

A year, 2 or 5?

Claire Amber Rose

I received a message from Dennis this morning. He told me that he wants me to be his date to this event he will attend and I must come, no exception. I reply to his message and try to call him but that jerk turn his phone off. I stare at his contact number annoyed.

Who is he ordering me around?

You know what? I won't come. I'll be staying in my penthouse eating pizza while watching Netflix. Yeah, I'll definitely do that. It's more tempting than going out.

I decided to turn my phone off so he will not call me. Putting my phone inside my bag, I continue my work for my next collection.

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