You mean your date?

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Dennis Harrington

"How's your sister? Is she okay?" Asked Adrian who's sitting in front of me sipping his wine. Putting my utensil down, I sighed as I lean back to the chair. "She's getting a little better compared to the first day she receives the news. But every time there's something that reminds her about him, she can't help crying."

"Sorry to hear that bro."

"It's fine, I'm sure she will get over it soon." We continue to talk about business and some other things but mainly business. Adrian here been thinking to expand his club business since he only has 2 clubs, in New York and Los Angeles.

While we're talking something caught my eye. I squinted my eyes and widen when I realize the person is.


She is walking to her table with the company of a guy. She flashes her beautiful smiles to the guy that is sitting in front of her and she even laughed. What is this? She acts really different when I'm with her.

I scoffed in disbelief. I thought she doesn't date but what I'm looking says otherwise.

"You okay man?" I turned my attention to Adrian who's looking at me curiously. "Yeah, I'm fine." From my peripheral vision, I could see the man stood up and answer his phone. "Will you give me a minute Rian." He looked at me confused. "Where are you going?"

"I saw someone, I'll be back." I stood up and make my way to the table. I cleared my throat once I stood in front of her. She switches her gaze from her phone to me. Immediately, her eyes turn cold and an annoyed expression etched on her face.

"What can I help you with?" She said with her professional tone. I took a seat at the chair that was once occupied. "I see you are having a lunch date."


"You rejected me many times and yet you go out with him." She looked at me blankly. "Even if I go out with him, what's your problem?"

"I thought you don't date."

"Because I don't. I'm here to talk to my client." I snort. "I don't believe you." She rolled her eyes. "I don't care if you believe me or not but surely your presence here is disturbing me."

I scrunched my eyebrow in confusion. "How can my presence disturb you? I didn't even do anything."

"You did by appearing in front of me to ask this stupid question." I rolled my eyes. "How's your sister by the way? Is she okay?" I raised my eyebrow at her. "You asked about my sister but you didn't ask about me?"

She took the wine glass and place it on her lips. She then licks her upper lips to clear the trace of wine. Somehow seeing her like that is turning me on. I cleared my throat and she places her glass down. "Why should I ask about you? From where I'm sitting, I could see you're perfectly fine."

"Becca is fine if you're wondering but if there something that reminds her of him, she will probably cry." She sighed then looked down. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's not your fault but thanks for assuring her that time." She nodded. "Does she ever going out to take a fresh air?"

I shook my head. "No, she said she's embarrassed by the news. I mean since the news is out everywhere, a lot of people have been talking about it. I heard two of my employees were talking about it and they badmouth my sister. I ended up firing them."

"I hope she's okay, send my warm regards to her." I nodded. Before I have the chance to respond she beat me to it. "Now if you may, my client will be back in a minute."

"You mean your date?" I raised my eyebrow as I said. She looked at me coldly. "Say what you want. Now go." She shoos me away then puts her attention back on her phone. "Oh and thank you for not sending me a flower." With that, she ignores me again.

I swear this woman is unusual.

Sighing, I stood up and went back to my table. "Tell me, is she your new conquest?"

"No of course not. She's not like any other woman that I usually met, she's different. And I want to get to know her but she's..."

"Cold." Adrian finished my sentence and I nodded. "Is she the girl that rejected you at the club a few weeks ago?"

"Sadly yes." Amusement dancing in his eyes, he then chuckled. "I wish you, good luck man. I know it won't be easy." Adrian stood up, patted my back then made his way out.

Grabbing the wine glass, I gulped the content in one shot then place it down. As I was preparing myself to leave, I saw them hugging. Seeing it makes my blood boil. I scoffed coldly. He's more than a client cause clients won't hug each other, they remain professional. She taught I was dumb by lying to me.

I show you what I can do.


Hey guys! I'm really sorry for the long update.
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