The ex-boyfriend

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Claire Amber Rose

"I won't leave you; I promise."

"Promise me?" I held out my pinky finger. He smiled softly and pinky promise to never leave my side. "Promise." He kissed my forehead and embrace me in his warm arms.

If only I knew all of that was a lie.

These past few days he kept haunting me like a ghost. After receiving his phone call a week ago on my first date, I vow to myself to never want to see his face nor his presence in front of me. Two years ago, he came up to me and apologize for what he did. He thought I was still the weak, vulnerable girl he met in college. Little did he know I changed.

I'm not fully blaming him, whether I feel grateful he left me. Without that, I wouldn't be the woman I am today. Maybe if the universe want us to meet again, I should thank him for that. But I hope I won't have to see his face ever again.

Him calling me is enough to make my blood boil. Sending flower and all those stuff as if he's, my boyfriend? I'm disgusted seeing a man like him. He made the call in the past, and suddenly he try to reach me? If he thinks I will have a heart of an angel and allow him to see me and act as if nothing happen then he's wrong.

I pushed the memory of him to the back of my mind so I could focus on my work. As I continue my work in the studio with my other designer to finished the dress for Candice Swanepoel met gala. This dress will be one of the beautiful dresses in the met.

I can't wait to see the result.

For hours my team and I are working to make this dress perfect. I sew the rhinestones on the neckline while the others are working on the tulle skirt. After we are done with our work, we decided to take a break and continue it later on.

The others offer me to have lunch with them, but I decline it cause I remember Melissa told me there's someone who want to see me. I quickly made my way to my office as I passed Melissa vacant chair. She must be out for lunch; I was about to ask her about the guest. Without thinking much, I push my office door open and saw a man standing near the big window with his back turned to me.

This must be the guest Melissa mention.

"Hello, good afternoon." I said politely.

His back slowly turned towards me and my polite and welcome expression turned cold and unwelcoming. "I'm sorry, you're not my guest."

"I think you're mistaken. I'm the one who arranged an appointment for meeting you."

"Well, according to my secretary, he is a man. But what I see is a coward."

The corner of his lips twitched upwards as he slowly walk to my direction. "I see you still hating me." I scoffed. "I see you are aware of it. So, what brings you here? I'm busy. Actually, I have no time at all. So, if you please exit yourself from my office." I said as I made my way to my desk and sat on my chair. I could feel his gaze on me, and it irritates me. How can I work if that jerk still standing in my office?

"I don't know if you are deaf or stupid, as I said a have no time at all." I said coldly without looking to his face.

"I'm here to apologize." I clutch the paper tightly feeling my anger building up but try to remain calm. I didn't respond to him and try to put my attention to the paper in front of me. He continue when he saw me ignoring him. "I know I fucked up and I'm sorry. But I don't understand why you are still mad at me. It's all in the past and I did it for you."

That's it. I have enough of his bullshit!

I stood up and stand in front of him with anger burn through my eyes. He flinched as he stared at my eyes and looked away. "You still don't understand why I'm mad at you? Listen, Eric, you may be the first guy I know and actually have a relationship with, but you're the one who left me because you don't have time and ashamed to say that I am your girlfriend. And you say you did it for me? I'm the one who don't understand you."

"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. Let's just say I was indirectly gave you a push." He said arrogantly.

Is he for real?

I am too stunned to speak.

"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. Look, I regret leaving you. My friend made me do it, but I still love you." He took a step forward as his hands sneak to my waist and about to kiss me. I was going to teach him a lesson by twisting his hands, but someone push him away from me.

"Don't you dare touch her." a cold voice spoke. I looked to my side and saw Dennis looking at him coldly.

When did he came here?

"Let me guess, the boyfriend?"

"If you don't want to have a single scratch on your face, I suggest you leave this place."

"Well, your girl was the one who try to ki-" before Eric got the chance to finish his sentence, Dennis punch him. A looked of shocked plastered on my face. I didn't expect Dennis to do that. Eric got up from the ground, he touch the corner of his lip only to see blood. I took a step forward to him and twist his arms back and place my hands on his neck to push him down.

He winched in pain. "You really have the audacity to come here and act as if you're innocent and then accused me of trying to kiss you? You are still the same coward as you were before. I'm ashamed to say that you are once my boyfriend. Thank God that we are over. If you dare show your face in front of me again, I swore to myself you wouldn't be able to draw with those hands of yours." I hissed coldly close to his ear so he will get the message.

Letting go of his hands, he glared at me and make his way out of the office not before he said something about "You'll regret it" or something along the lines, but I couldn't care less.

The room filled with silent after Eric left.

Turning my body to Dennis, I called him softly. "Hey," as his eyes met mine, I could feel my heart skips a beat. "Thank you."

He nods his head as he shoved his hands inside his pocket. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "I am."

"Who's that guy anyway?"

"That was my ex. I swear that man is crazy." Somehow the two of us manage to carry the conversation easily despite what happened earlier. We sat in the couch as I told him about my past relationship with my ex while we order some food since it's lunch time.

"How did you ended up with him?" I shrugged as I wonder what I see in him after seeing his true color. "I have no idea. Maybe because of his sweet talks, but I don't remember him being this crazy. I mean he could be a bit manipulative though."

"Thank the god that you are not with him anymore." I raised my eyebrow with a small smirk on my face. "And why is that?"

"He doesn't deserve you." I decided to tease him. "And you deserve me?" his eyes widen slightly. "No, I mean yes, I mean no. No one deserve you, but if you give me a ch-" I cut him off by giving him a peck on the lips.

"You're cute when you're nervous." I stood up and walked back to my desk. "Should I do that again so you could kiss me?" rolling my eyes with a smile on my face, I turned around facing him. "Let's go on another date." I suggested.

"Really?" I nodded my head. "Yeah. Come to think about it, it was not that bad." He grinned widely like a kid having a candy. "I promise you this will be a date you can't never forget."

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