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Claire Amber Rose

Last time I was hoping for Dennis to not do anything. I thought that he was bluffing and he didn't meant any of his words but boy I was wrong.

After our encounter at the vineyard, on Monday he send me a bouquet of Roses again. And of course I send it back to him again. He didn't call me to ask why I send the flower back to him instead for a week he kept sending me flower non stop. Even when I send it back to him again.

The second week was as bad as the first week. This time he decided to send me a bouquet and a food for my lunch time. This of course annoyed me. Instead sending back the food to him, I gave it to my secretary and my other employees. Hoping that he would probably stop if I accept it. What suprise me is that he knew that I didn't eat it. He knew that I gave it to my employees. When I open my phone to check my messages, I receive a text from him saying that I didn't eat the food he send me.

Don't ask me how the hell he knows about it.
Buy nevertheless, he still sending me this food for break time.

The third week, is much worse than I thought it will be. He didn't send me flower nor food instead he was the one who showed up in my office with a flower on his hand. If I'm like one of his girls, I would probably giggle, blush and run to his arms but I'm not. I frown and glared at him as he show up in front of my office door.

That was the first day of the third week and now I'm currently standing in front of him with arms cross over my chest in front of my building.

"What are you doing here again?" I said feeling annoyed by his appearance.

"You don't like it when I'm here?" I looked at him blankly. "Do I need to answer that?"

"Ouch, you hurt my feelings darling." My eyebrow knit as he calls me that. "Don't call me that."

"Call you what?" He said innocently. "That. It's disgusting."

"So I can't call you that because it's disgusting?"

"No, not that letter you idiot." He raised his brows. "So which one?"

"D-darling." His eyes twinkle in mischievous. "Yes honey?" My eyes widen at how dumb I am. Why did I said that word to him?

I swatted his arms and stomp my heels, making my way to my car. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

"Away from you." I said without looking at him. "I'm here to take you out for lunch." I turned around in my heels to face him. "I really appreciate it but no thank you. I can go out alone."

I turned my back but Dennis is in front of me. "Come on Claire, please? I came all the way here for you."

I raised my eyebrow. "I never ask you nor begged you to come here." I said coldly. He sighs. "Please just this once, I promise I won't disturb you again today."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Promise?"

"Promise." He held his pinky finger up and I can't help frowned looking at it. "What are you five?" I heard him mumble something under his breath as I turned my back, heading to his car.

Dennis ask me what do I want to eat during the ride. I shrugged and told him anywhere but far away from the prying paparazzi eyes. He agrees with me and we ended up at an Italian restaurant.

The waitress came and of course she is trying to flirt with Dennis. Somehow it irritated me.
"Are you going to stand here all day long or taking our orders?" I raised my eyebrow at her. Her eyes wide  and she quickly took our orders. "You don't have to be mean you know?" My head snapped to Dennis direction. "I'm here to eat. Not to see you flirt. If you want to flirt you should've said that earlier, so I won't go with you." I said coldly.

"Sorry, I was just saying you could at least be a little nice." I leaned forward. "Who are you with to the lunch? Me or her?" I gesture to the waitress earlier. He rolls his eyes. "Fine, let's talk something else."

"I don't have anything to talk to you."

"Let's get to know each other. What's your favorite color?" I looked at him in disbelief as he ask that question. "We're not teenagers."
He sighs. "Just answer the question."


"Never knew you like grey, I thought it will be pink." I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of the wine. "You're not going to ask me?" I blankly looked at him. "I take that as a no but mine is blue." My eyebrow raised. "Not black?"

"Nope, I admit black is a cool color but my favorite color is blue. Your turn."


"Yup, you can ask anything?"

"Okay, many girls you have dated?" He looks suprised by my question and not just him, I am too. Why did I ask that question? From all the question I could ask him, I decided to ask about his past girlfriend? You have got to be kidding me Claire.

"Why? You decide to change your mind and be my girlfriend?" I shoot him a glared. "Hell no, I rather die than becoming your girlfriend."

"Then why ask?" My mouth open to respond to him nut no words come out. He smirks as he grab the glass of wine. "Thought so."

"Shut up." Thankfully the waitress come and served our food. I took a bite of my pasta then sigh. This is so good. Probably the best Italian pasta I have ever have in New York.

"Is it good?" He ask. I swallowed then proceed to talk. "It is. I think this is the best pasta I have ever eaten in New York. You have a good taste." We continue eating without exchanging words. We are lost in the deliciousness of the dish.

After we are done with our lunch, we have a little argument about who's going to pay. Dennis offer to pay for me but I rejected it because I don't want to owe him if he pays for me nut he said he won't do such thing. I succumb and let him pay. Dennis has chosen a good and private restaurant but there's still a few paparazzi waiting at the entrance.

A sighed escape my lips which caught Dennis attention. "Is there something wrong?" I gestured to the entrance with my head. "Paparazzi, I have no idea how the hell they know our location."

"Paparazzi are always creepy. Once, I remember I was attending my friends birthday party a few years ago. I didn't know he invited a fucking strippers to his house. I was going to leave because I don't want to get caught by the paparazzi. He told me it's fine, he took care of it and said it was safe."

"What happened next?"

"I believed his words and ended up partying with the others. The next morning, I found myself becoming the headline of the news. They said, I was the one throwing the party by inviting a bunch of strippers." I stiffled a laugh. "My dad found out and he slapped me. Worst memory I might say." He shudder then finish his wine.

"Ready to go?"

"If we don't, we'll be staying here forever."

"I don't mind as long as I'm with you." I cringe. "Please stop." He chuckles. We made our way to the entrance and Dennis quickly grab my hand. I was suprised as he's big warm hands fit perfectly to mine.

We made it to the car and Dennis quickly drove the car away. I released a breath I never know I was holding.

"You okay?" He ask with a concern written on his face. I half smile at him. "Yeah I'm okay, thanks." He nods then focused driving.

Having lunch with Dennis on not as bad as I thought it will be. Maybe I judge him to harsh but he is still a playboy and that will not change my mind.

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