Men are the worst!

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Claire Amber Rose

Checking my appearance in the mirror, I smile in satisfaction as I see myself. I wore a short color sparkly cream V-neck dress, long sleeve with a cut in the arm that was replaced with a tassel.  This dress is my newest design that will be out in a few weeks.

I pair it with my nude strappy lace-up heels. I decided to curl my blonde hair and for the makeup, I go with smokey makeup then finish it off with a nude liquid lipstick.

My phone vibrates on the table and I took it.

Lauren: I'm here!

I chuckled and grabbed my purse then head downstairs to the lobby. I saw Lauren's red Porsche and I quickly got in.

"Ready to have some fun?" Lauren said from the driver's seat. Wearing my seatbelt, I turned to her smirking. "Hell yeah." Lauren drives off towards our usual club that our friend owned. I glanced at Lauren and saw her wearing one shoulder rose gold color dress with sequin all over it. And there's a bow on the left side of the dress.

"Where did you get that dress?" I raised my eyebrow.

She glances at me then back to the road. "Why? Impress with my dress?" I know Lauren so well.

"You stole it from my boutique," I stated. She turned to me with a shocked look on her face. I mean pretend to be shocked. I rolled my eyes at her. "I did not!"

"Lauren," I said in a warning tone.

"Okay! Okay! Fine. I may have gone to your office and buy this dress." She smiles sheepishly. "This dress will be out in a few weeks and I'm not planning to showcase it to people." Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I have bought this dress okay? I left the check on your table. Besides, I bet you were wearing the dress that hasn't even come out too."

I pouted as I scrunched my eyebrow. "I'm the designer. I could wear whatever dress the hell I want. And lucky you, are my best friend so I won't be mad at you." She chuckled. "I'm flattered. We're here."

We stepped out of the car and walked towards the line of people in the entrance but since our friend own this, we walked past them. As we walked they starting to whisper in a hushed tone to their friends. As we passed them, I heard them said.

"Oh my god! That is Lauren Gray and Claire Amber Rose."

"They are so hot and beautiful."

"Looked at the dresses!"

Smirking, Lauren lean to me and whispered. "It's so good to be famous." I can't help but agree with her. We passed the bouncer which they immediately let us in.

Once we step foot inside the dimly light club, I could smell the alcohol lingering in the air. We saw a lot of people dancing on the dance floor. But more like grinding. We make our way to the VIP section and slid our cards. Michael gave us these cards for whoever people that's registered in the VIP section.

I grab the bottle of alcohol and pour it into my glass. We clink our glass then downed the alcohol in one shot. "I wish Adrianna is here," I said. "Me too but she has been busy lately with her new hotel branch."

We pour the alcohol again then drink it. Lauren and I talked about business then moving on to fashion, sport, and a lot of things. We rarely talked about men cause we all know, their species are a dick. No offense to them. They only think about themselves and their needs.

Once they feel satisfied, they will leave us heartbroken.

I've never dated before nor that I want to. Because 6 years ago, I'm not the person who I am right now. I work as a waitress in a restaurant. I remember, there are a group of spoil rich kids that came into the restaurant. Unfortunately, I was their waitress. I accidentally serve the wrong food because I was new. They bully me and said how useless I am. And there's this boy who humiliated me in front of people and pour me the food to my head.

Adrianna saw this and step up to punch him. Hopefully, it knocked him some sense. I was thankful that she did it but that causes me to be fired by the manager. But if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here right now.

"Come on let's dance! I'm dying to go out there." I follow Lauren out to the dance floor. The music changed to I want you to know by Zedd and Selena Gomez that makes the crowd go wild. Including me and Lauren.

We dance while singing the song aloud. After a few songs, I head to the bar to get myself a drink while Lauren is dancing with a random guy. I don't understand how she could easily find her next prey. I shook my head and order myself a cocktail then took a sip.  Feeling someone presence beside me, I didn't turn instead I keep sipping my cocktail.

"No, I'm not interested," I said before he got a chance to talked. Turning around to face a hot-looking guy that is looking at me in shock, I looked at him coldly then leave him shocked in the bar.

Men are the worst!

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