Your secret safe with me

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Dennis Harrington

I massage my temple feeling tired with the meeting. When will this meeting end? It has been like this for 3 hours. If my dad is not here with me, I would probably wrap it up. But since there's this important guest, that is what my dad said, I have to endure this excruciating meeting.

"So, we have a deal, Mr. Benson?" my dad asked.

"We do." They stood up then offer a handshake. I stood up as well. They finally leave the room and I let out a loud sighed. "Finally! It's over." My dad shakes his head.


"You should get used to it having a long meeting like this.

"Well, I'm sure I don't need it in the near future. Besides, Mr. Benson worry too much. He kept talking in circle and that made my head hurt. It's a waste of time. If I were you, I immediately jump to the point." My dad shoots me a disapproving look. "I don't know how you manage the company, but I'm glad you did."

I grinned at him. "So, we're done here?" he nods. "Yeah, we're done."

"Thanks, pops. I'll be back before dinner." He didn't reply only shake his head. I head down to the lobby and drive out from the office. I drive around the place until I decided to stop at the beach. Stepping out from the car, I walked towards the beach. There aren't many people here only a few.

I spotted a small bar and make my way to have a drink. A soft music filled the background, I approached the bartender and order a cocktail. Turning to my right, I blink my eyes a couple of times, worry that my mind is playing trick on me.

Is this a dream? One way to find out.

"Claire?" she turns my way with a frown on her face. "What are you doing here? Are you following me?" I rolled my eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. As much as I like you, I am not that crazy until I have to stalk you around."

"Glad to hear it." the bartender serve my drink and I took a sipped.


"I'm here attending a business meeting. What about you? What are you doing in Florida?" she grabs her glass and drink it in one gulp.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she smirks, but not the usual smirk I grew accustomed. "Something bothering you?" I started off. "You could say that."

"Wanna share?" she narrowed her eyes. "Why should I tell you?" I shrugged. "I'm not forcing you. I was just asking if you want to tell me what's bothering you. If you don't want it then it's fine. It's your choice anyway."

I turned my attention to my drink then heard her sighed. "I went to my grandparent's house."

"I didn't see that as a bad thing."

"Wait till you hear the full story. My mother came from a normal family. Not rich and not poor. But sometimes her family struggle with money too. There're times when they didn't have any money with them. Fast forward, she met my dad. He came from a wealthy family. They fell in love and wanted to get married but his mother forbids them to be together. Alas, my dad still broke the rules and marrying my mom."

"Since I was a kid, I've always been treated differently. My aunt hates me a lot. She kept saying that I don't belong in the family, and I should be living in the street with my mother. I couldn't even play with my own cousin because they forbid them to play with me." she laughed bitterly. "I know is sound ridiculous but that happened. They expect my dad to marry someone who's equal to them. Not a drop out college woman who works lot of job."

"On my six birthday, my grandmother told me that I could invite my classmates to celebrate my birthday but it turned out to be the worst birthday ever. My aunt accused me of hurting her daughter. I remember that night I did played with her daughter, but I never hurt her. She told everyone that were present at the party that I hurt her daughter. She humiliated me in front of my classmates and their parents. The next day, I was being bully because of that. No one wants to be friend with me. scared that I might hurt them."

She scoffs, pour a drink to her glass, and take a sipped. "2 days later, my grandmother accused my mom of stealing her jewelry which she never did. The saddest part is that my dad, just stood still and didn't deny those accusation. When they threw us out, Anton the house butler brought us to his place. We were really grateful that he still cares for us, if he didn't, we were probably sleeping in the street. Anton then found out that was all being planned by my grandmother and my aunt. They threatened my dad, if he ruins the plan, he won't get the company."

"So basically, your dad only cares about money not you and your mother?"

"Nope. If that really happen, I wouldn't be here right now." She smirks towards me. "So, what did you do to them?" she shrugs. "Today is my grandmother birthday and I gave back the necklace she threw it to our face and kinda embarrassed them."

She finishes her drinks. "If only you could see their faces. It's priceless." She said in satisfaction. "You met your dad then?"

She rolls her eyes. "Unfortunately, he was trying to talk to me, but I shrug him off."

"Maybe he wants to explain and probably apologize to you." She scoffs coldly. "It's been 20 years. He didn't even make an effort to find me."

"Maybe he did, you don't know." she raised her eyebrow at me. "And you know?" I raised my hands up in surrender. "Just saying. How do you end up in New York, by the way?"

"Anton gave us money so we could get out of Florida. It's a fresh start for us. I told my mom that we should use her surname instead of him since we don't have any relation with them. I thought she would disagree, but she approved my request."

"So Rose isn't your real surname?"

"Nope." She popped the 'p'

"Wow... I didn't know."

"No one knows. Only my girls and you. So congrats, you finally found out my secret."

"Thank you for sharing. I promise I won't tell anyone about your story."

"You bet. If you did, I'll kill you, Harrington." She said in a deadly voice that makes me swallowed nervously. "Of course, your secret safe with me, but does that mean you trust me?" I smile smugly to her.

She didn't reply only looked at me annoyed. I chuckled. Checking my wristwatch, it's about time I go back.

"I guess I see you back in New York." Her eyebrows furrowed. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to the hotel, there's still some matter to discuss with my dad." After paying the drinks, I head out not before Claire called me. "Dennis," she called me softly. I was quite surprised, cause she never used that tone at me.

Thank you for hearing me out." I nodded with a smiled on my face. "No worries, I'll always be there for you." She smiled genuinely to me.

With that I head out from the bar and made my way to my car. 

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