I like you

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Claire Amber Rose

"Oh Claire, is nice to see you again." I smiled at her. "Is nice to see you to Mrs. Harrington. How have you been?"

"I'm good, how about you dear?" My eyes move to Dennis. "Never better." He smirks, probably notice my sarcasm.

"You two knew each other?" My mom says. "Yeah, I'm friends with his sister."

"Why didn't you say so?" Mom said to me. Linda proceed to introduce Gavin to Dennis. After our short introduction, we went to our seat to have an early dinner. Gavin sit next to me since Dennis and Mrs. Harrington occupy the seat in front of me. Our mothers seems to talk easily like they have known each other for years.

Whereas us, can only glance at each other. Since I already warming up to Gavin, we made a small talk about everything that comes to mind. I glance at Dennis and found him staring at us. Why didn't mom tell me there will be another guest and not just Gavin and his mom. The waitress came to serves our food and we all start eating.

"So Dennis, how close are you with Claire?" My eyes widen once my mom said that. Before Dennis can get the chance to answer I answer for him. "Not that close mom, we only talk once I visited her sister in their house." Dennis glares at me but I ignore it. I mean can you blame me though for cutting him whereas I know what he is going to say?
So  I did the right thing.

"Actually you forgetting that you took my measurements when I asked you to tailor a suit for me," I was going to object that but he cut me off. "And a week ago when Beca told me to take you home." I glared at him. He on the other hand smirks while drinking his wine.

My mom and Mrs. Harrington turns to me. "Is that true?"

I swear Dennis.

"The measurement part was right but we didn't do a lot of talking and the wedding thing, I thought it didn't count since I ended up heading back home alone." I said casually. "Why did you went alone, dear?"

Dennis about to say something but again I cut him off. "Dennis was busy, he got a phone call from his secretary saying there's something urgent in the office." I said smoothly. Mrs. Harrington turns to Dennis and ask him. "Is that true Dennis?"

Grabbing the glass of wine, I slightly tilt my head to the side while twirling my wine. I raised an eyebrow as he looks at my direction. "Um...yes. I have something coming up that day." The corner of my lips twitch up and I take a sipped of my wine.
The dinner went well, we have a conversation about life and work. When our mothers decoded to asked about marriage, kids and stuff, that's where we looked away. The three of us glance wach other awkwardly.

Damn...I almost forgot that mothers always talk about something like this.

After our dinner, dessert has been served. Gavin and I once again engage in a conversation relating to work. I ask him about a good location to open a boutique, since I'm planning to expand my boutique there in Paris. He gave me a few option which I will consider it.

"There's something on your lips." Gavin fingers brush my lips. I froze at my place because I never do this kind of thing especially with men. My eyes darted to his sky blue eyes. I cleared my throat and his hands fall to his side. "Sorry." He apologized. "It's fine, you were helping." O half smile at him.

When I looked forward, I saw Dennis glaring hard at us mainly at Gavin. What's his problems? I decided to ignore it and excuse myself to the restroom.

After I'm done doing my business, I walked out from the restroom only to swe  Dennis leaning at the wall. "Seems like  you're interested in that French guy?" I rolled my eyes. "Is not of your business." He grab my wrist then pinned me to the wall while looking at me intensely.

"What the hell Dennis? Let me go."

He only stare at me, he then took a step closer towards me. I raised my hand and place it on his chest to stop him for going more closer. "Okay, what's up with you?"

"I don't like seeing you with him." I scoffed. "Oh really? And I don't like when you control me. I can be with whoever I want, is none of your business."

"It is my business,"

"And why is that?" I said dryly as I raised my eyebrow. "Because I like you." I looked at him in shock. Did I hear him right? He must be messing with me. I then burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because you just said something funny." He looks at me confused. "What are you saying?"

"You said you like me and that's funny."

"I'm being serious Claire."

"I am too. You think by saying that I will believe your words and what? You're hoping that I will open my heart for you?" I chuckled sarcastically. "That ain't gonna happen. So keep dreaming." I said coldly.

"I'm speaking the truth and you don't believe my words."

"How can I believe you when you have been label as the playboy." I raised my fingers making air quotations. "You're probably only seeing me as a challenge since I always reject you, so you make yourself a bet to try and date me. When you succeed getting me, you will throw me away like a piece of trash." I said coldly.

I walk away but he grab my wrist before I go. "I'm telling you the truth and I am not lying. I will prove to you that I really do like you."

"I like to see you try on the other hand, don't try too hard or you'll ended up deranged." I yanked my hand from his hold. I turned around my heels but not before he said. "I will make you like me." I ignore his words as I walked away.

He's really crazy. I think he drinks to much wine.

But he won't do that right?

Yeah I think he won't. The fact that my heart is pounding fast making me believe that he will do something I won't expect.

Let's just hope and pray he won't do what I think he will do.

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