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Hey guys! I'm very sorry for the long updates but here it is! I hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to drop a vote! have a good day :)


Claire Amber Rose

"You're crazy Adrianna." She turned to me then looked back to the television while drinking wine casually.

"Why did you exposed him a day before Rebecca's engagement."

"So you want me to exposed him on their engagement day?" I sighed harshly. "No, that's not what I meant. Why didn't you do it as soon as you found out about him? I just felt bad for Rebecca, yesterday she ordered a freaking wedding dress and she wants her dress to be special and now, she found out about this. Imagine what she's going through."

"It's not my fault she chose a mafia as her fiancée," Adrianna said. "I know you really hate mafia but think about Rebecca at least." She only scoffed and drink her wine again. "There's no use talking about feelings to you. Anyways, where did you know he is involved with the mafia?"

"Remember when I went to London?"


"I was following him. If I'm not wrong, his fiancée was with him too. I asked Vincent to keep an eye on him. At midnight, he went out alone to this dark alley."

"Didn't Rebecca know her fiancée went out in the middle of the night?" Adrianna shrugged. "I could see Rebecca love him so much so anything that bastard says, she will believe it."

"Did you find which mafia Enzo is dealing with?" she sighed. "Not yet, but I have a few suspects."

"I wish you good luck finding him. If you ever need help ask us okay?" she only hums in response. I know Adrianna so well, she won't ever ask our help even when she is in danger. Adrianna is selfless, she always makes sure we, her sister our safe.

"Well then, I'm gonna go and check on Rebecca. I got a feeling she needs comfort." Adrianna nodded her head with her eyes still trained on the television. I got up and walked out from her penthouse to the elevator. Once I walked out of Adrianna's penthouse, I enter my car then drive towards Rebecca's house.

After 30 minutes of drive, I finally arrived at her house, I bought her ice cream and cakes on the way. Hope this will cheer her up, I mean girls love ice cream and cakes when they are feeling sad right?

I stepped out of the car then make my way to the front door. Pressing the doorbell, a maid opens the door.

"What can I help you with?"

"Hello, I'm Claire. Rebecca friend, I heard about the news and want to see her." The maid nodded her head and open the door s little wider to let me in. I walked into the house and saw an old man in his late fifty approach me.

"Who are you?" I smile politely. "Good afternoon sir, I'm Claire Amber Rose, Rebecca's friend. I heard about the news and want to see her if she's okay." He nodded. "You're the famous designer right?" I chuckled lightly. "I wouldn't say that, there are a lot of famous designers that are more talented than me."

"Oh nonsense, my wife is a big fan of you. I'm Charles Harrington, a pleasure to meet you " I shook his hand. "The pleasure is all mine."

"Just go to the second floor and turn right, once you turn right, you'll hear a crying sound and that is her room."

"Thank you, sir,"

I walked up the stairs and follow the direction that Mr. Harrington told me. He's right, as soon as I turn right, I heard loud crying. She must have been shocked hearing the news. I feel bad for her.

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