Brutal, but nice

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Claire Amber Rose

I head towards Adrianna office with a bag of pastries in my hand. As I was getting nearer, I heard Lauren voice. I push the door open and both eyes turned to me. "What's going on? I could hear Lauren's voice from afar." Closing the door behind me, I put down the pastries on the table and face Adrianna and Lauren.

"So, no one's gonna explain what's going on?" I raised my eyebrow and cross my arms over my chest. "Nothing, it-"

"Lauren here, decided to attract the attention of someone." Adrianna said. "And whom might this someone be?" my eyes gaze to Adrianna then Lauren. Adrianna gesture Lauren to explain to me.

She sighs. "I was just looking out for whoever the person he was targeting, okay?"

"By drawing his attention? Adrianna said sharply. "No! I'm not drawing his attention. He was the one who came after me."

"Of course, if only you ignore whatever he's going to do. Why would you do that in the first place?"

"Because I saw him pulling out a dagger from his suit. What do you expect me to do? Just stand still and watch the show?"

"Yes." Adrianna immediately answers. "Don't you see something strange on the soon to be attack?"

"Who are you guys talking about? And why is there a bandage on your arm, Lauren?" she sits down on the couch. "Ethan Rashford." I turned to Adrianna. "Did this happened when you attend a business event in Italy?"

"Apparently yes, and you know about this?" I nodded. "And you didn't tell me?" Adrianna eyed me sharply and I raised my hands up. "Hey! I told Lauren to do a background check on that person she wants to meet. But she's confident and said she had done a background check."

"And ended up being fooled." Lauren glares at Adrianna. "Told you there's something going on with that man." Lauren then glares at me. "Who's this Ethan anyway?" Adrianna sat on her chair. Her gazes landed on the painting on her wall. "He's a mafia. A mafia puppet to be precise." She said full of spite.

"The man who Lauren will meet is the mafia boss in Italy. Giovanni Bianchi. I found the timing quite unusual about the attack."

"How so?" I asked curiously.

"I got a hunch that he had prepared the attack before Lauren's arrival." My eyebrow knitted in confusion. "How do you know?" she turns her PC to my direction and there is a video about what happened that day. I watch the video closely.

"Why did he pull out his dagger just a few feet away from you, Lauren? And the way he pulled it is in a clear view from where you stand."

"Exactly. My point is, attacking a random person it's only a bait to get your attention."

"If Giovanni wants my attention, why not doing it face to face? Why it has to be like that? That just doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't. Then again, they are mafia. They will use every opening when there's a chance. I think Giovanni thought that you are no difference than any other woman, so he thought why not attack you from the start?"

"If he thought like that, then he's the idiot one here." She hissed coldly.

"You fought Ethan and he leave a cut on your arm. What happened after that?"

"I stab his thigh with his own dagger." She said casually while examining her nails. I winced hearing it. "Brutal, but nice."

"I used that opportunity to ran away. One of my guards inform this to Adrianna and that's why I'm here." She smiles sarcastically. Adrianna rolls her eyes then continue. "You don't need to worry about Giovanni and his puppet. I will take care of them." Before Lauren can interject, Adrianna left the room, leaving me and Lauren behind.

Lauren soon left too and it leave me only. "Great day indeed." I muttered to myself. Seems like no one wants the pastries. I grab the pastries then walked out from Adrianna office.


"Miss, there's someone who wants to see you." My secretary informs me through the office phone. I press the button and reply absentmindedly. I was really focus designing a dress so I don't pay no mind of my surroundings.

"You seem really focus."

"Hm... I am. I'm confused which color is suitable for the dress." My eyes still trained on my iPad fully focused. "Why not try green? You can add a flower or leaves pattern so it will look fresher and newer." I pursed my lips, frowning about the idea.

Hmm... green? Aha! I have an idea. "Yeah, you're right! You just gave me an idea. Thank you." I went back to my drawing for God knows how long.

A satisfied smile etched on my face. I lift my head up and shocked to see Dennis is sleeping on my couch. When did he come here? How come I don't hear a thing? Standing up, I make my way to him. I look down at him and can't help admiring his face. He looks so calm unlike his usual cocky self. His eyes open and I quickly step back.

Clearing my throat, I look down at him. "What are you doing here?" he stretched and ruffled his hair.

"You don't know that I'm here?" hearing his raspy voice gives me shiver. I shook my head. "Your secretary told me to go inside your office. So, I went in and saw you were really focus. You were asking yourself what color suit the new dress, and I was the one who suggest green." I looked at him surprised. "So, it was you?" he nods. "Who do you think that was?"

I shrugged. "My subconscious?" he chuckled lightly.

"How long have you been here?" I took a seat across from him. "Hm... 2 hours I guess." And again, he took me by surprised. "What? 2 hours you said? What are you even doing here?" I asked in bewilder.

Why did he wait for me for 2 hours? He could've used his time to do his work instead of waiting for me.

"I was going to invite you to grab lunch. But I saw you really focused, and I don't want to interrupt you." I let out a sighed. "If you know that I'm really busy, why not leave then grab lunch alone?" he shrugs. "I don't know. I like watching you doing your work." Somehow, I feel something inside me that I can't explain. A lost feeling that I thought will never come back.

Hate to admit but this couple of months, Dennis shows his caring side to me. Despite him being arrogant and annoying.

"So, what are you going to do now?" he stood up, looked down at me. "Well, I'm still up for a lunch, you?" I pursed my lips thinking.

Dennis has been here for 2 hours waiting for me. He even helped me choose a color for my dress. It will be rude of me, if I reject it. "You coming?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm quite hungry too." He smiled at me. standing up. I took my bag and phone with me then head out with Dennis. 

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