One date

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Claire Amber Rose

As soon as I arrived, I head to our usual room and start pouring myself a drink. Glass after glass I chugged it down all the alcohol until the bottle's empty. I took another bottle and drank it straight from the bottle. I laughed seeing myself. Isn't it weird that I drink because of a family problem instead of a heartbreak? Cause I am sure as hell found it weird.

But I don't care at the moment. I'm just frustrated at my mom. How could she have said that? Doesn't she understand my feelings? I thought mother knows best. Now I am starting to doubt the saying.

I feel my phone vibrated from inside my bag. I try to grab my phone, but it was hard like it's far away. I think I'm getting drunk. After I don't know how long rummaging my bag, I finally able to grab it. I looked at the caller ID but can't see clearly. My eyes are quite blurry.

I don't know who it is, so I decline it. An idea crosses my mind to try and prank call someone. I remember Lauren, Adrianna and I used to do that back in the days. It was so much fun. With squinted eyes, I scroll the contact number and randomly press it.

The first number it's only dialing so I move on to the next number and it answered. Whoever the person on the other side answers it! I am so happy.

"Hello, Claire?" I can't make out the voice if it's a man or a woman. "Who are you? Why are your number on my contact list?"

"What? You called me and you add my number."

"No, I didn't. I don't even know you." I giggled. "Are you drunk?" I giggled more loudly. "No."

"Gosh, you are drunk. Are you alone?" the person on the other side sound panic which got me confused cause I don't know him, and we never met.


"Who are you with?"

"my shadow." I laughed. The person sound who sounds relieved before went back panicking again.

"Why are you sound panicking?"

"You can't even talk properly. How much did you drink? You know what don't answer it. Just stay there and someone will get you." I stood up and about to answer it, but I fell. "Oh, my head." I mumble to myself. "Claire, Claire!" the voice became distant and everything around me turning black.

Last thing I hear is someone cursing on the phone.

Dennis Harrington

I stared at her sleeping figure. She looks so calm and peaceful. I shake my head as I remember what happened last night.

"Claire. Claire!" I called her name, but she didn't answer. "Shit!" I curse knowing that she probably passed out. How many glasses she have? I stood up and quickly packed my clothes and immediately called my secretary to prepare the plane for me.

Calling my trusted men, I told him to take Claire to my apartment as I gave him the location of the club. I kept shaking my legs anxiously in the car ride to the airport. I just can't help worrying about her. How can she be so reckless? Drinking alone then getting drunk until she passed out without anyone knowing, that's reckless of her.

The sound of her groaning bring me back to reality. She quickly looked down to her body checking if her clothes are still intact. "Relax, I didn't do anything to you." She turned her head in haste then clutched her head in pain.

She groans as her eyes narrowed at my direction. "What do you mean? And where am I?" Standing up from the chair, I walked to the bed and stand in front of her, crossing my arms. "Do you need another drink?" I said sarcastically.

She attempted to roll her eyes but failed only to have her head wincing in pain. "Dennis? How are you in my home?"

"Your home? You should look around." She looked around the place then noticed it is not her bedroom. "Where am I?" leaning forward as I placed both of my hands on the bed, I whisper to her. "You should shower, you stink." With that I left the room.

I could feel her burning stares as I walked out of the room. Making my way to the kitchen, I took out a few ingredients to make breakfast. I decided to go on a simple breakfast which is scramble egg with cheese, bacon, and a toast. I'm not really a great cooker, but I could make a great breakfast.

I brew the coffee first, then take out a bowl to mix the eggs. Cracking 4 eggs, I pour the cheese, pepper, and salt. After mixing it, I prepared the pan and heat it up. I poured the eggs and scramble it until it cook.

"So can you tell me, why am I here?"

"You don't remember?"

"If I remember I wouldn't have asked you. Do you have an advil?"

"In the bathroom." Taking out the plates, I put the eggs, bacon, and bread that I have toasted then place it in the dining table as well with the coffee. "You can cook?" lifting my head up, a look of surprised etched on my face. There she is standing a foot away from me wearing my dress shirt looking beautiful as always.

"You, okay?" clearing my throat, I looked away. "Yeah, let's have breakfast first. And to answer your question I can't. The only food I can cook is scramble eggs and pancakes."

She takes a seat on the right side off the table then start munching her food. "Hm... not bad. This is actually good though."

"Thanks, it takes years to mastered it."

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" placing the fork down I turned to her. "You called me last night." She scrunched her eyebrows not believing what I said. "That's not possible why the hell did I call you?"

Shrugging my shoulder, I continue to eat. "How would I know you're the one who called me. What was the last thing you remember?"

"Um... I was driving to the club to have some drinks. That's the last thing I remember. My car, where's my car?"

"I told my men to bring your car back to your place." she breathed out in relief. "Thanks."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "You worried about your car more than yourself?" she sipped her coffee after finishing her breakfast. "No, is not that. I mean partly yes, but I left an important flash there."

Claire then ask me what she said in the phone, and I tell her everything. "Let me get this straight, I told you that I want to go out on a date with you?" I nodded my head, trying to remain impassive. Honestly, that one was a lie, but I couldn't help it. Is not like she knows it beside I finally could get a chance with her.

She leans forward narrowing her eyes at me. "You lied."

"And how would you know that? You don't even remember what happened last night."

"True, but I would never say that."

"Well, you are drunk. People who are drunk is the most honest." She stood up then grab our plate. "What are you doing with the plates?"

"Break it." she said sarcastically. I stood up and head to the kitchen with her. "You really wanted to go out on a date with me, huh?" I sighed. "You know the answer to that." I sat in the bar stool while admiring her back view. "What makes you like me? Is it because I rejected you and suddenly you have this ambition to pursue me?" she turns around crossing her arms over her chest.

I shook my head vigorously. "No! That is not the reason. I mean it was at first, but after spending time with you I really do like you, like genuinely like you. I know is hard for you to trust a playboy like me, but I changed, I swear. I am no longer the playboy you used to know."

She's silent. 

She didn't say a word for a minute, and it seriously scared me. I shift nervously under the seat. She then brings her index finger up. "One date. Prove me wrong about you." With that she turned around continuing washing the dishes.

I stared at her back with my mouth wide open. Did I hear her right? She wants to go on a date with me! Finally!

"And please stop staring at my ass."

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