Sweet? More like weak

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Claire Amber Rose

I went back to New York immediately; besides I have no intention staying there for long. Along the flight, my phone kept ringing and I know that's my mom. She probably wants an explanation about the action that I pulled off earlier, but I am currently not in the mood of explaining or even want to talk about it.

After talking with Dennis earlier, I felt slightly better, but still not in the mood to talk about it. Turning off my phone, I lean back, drinking a champagne. Closing my eyes to rest even for a while, I stay like that for the rest of the flight.

The air stewardess woke me up telling me we will arrive in 30 minutes and that I have to prepared. Strapping the seatbelt, I wait for the plane to finally land. Saying thanks to the pilot for landing the plane safely, I stepped out from the car and got in the car that have been prepared for me.

Since I don't know what I'm going to do and not really in the mood of working, I just drive around. I was going to meet up with the girls, but I remember they are both out of town. With nowhere to go and I don't want to stay at home, I drive to my office and decided to check my design.

"Back so soon, boss?" Melissa said as she saw me. "I don't have anything to do there." I push the door open only to be stop by Melissa. "What is it?"

"You got a flower delivery and I placed it on your table." Nodding my head, I head inside and saw the flower Melissa mention.

It's a bouquet of red roses. A smile manages to appear on my face. Dennis won't stop, huh? I guess I should really give him a chance. He is not as bad as I thought. There's a card on top of the flower. I took the card and smile while reading it, but as I saw the initial, I crumpled the note and throw it to the trash.

"Melissa!" she came immediately as she heard her name being called loudly. "Yes, miss?"

"I want you to throw this flower away. Burn it or dump it in the trash I don't care. I don't want to see this flower on my desk."

"But miss..." she tries to protest, I glared at her, and she comply my words by taking the bouquet away.

That guy! How dare he send me a flower after what he did to me? Does he think I am still the same weak Claire? If he thought I am still the same person as I was before, then he is so wrong. I am different now and I will show him that if we get the chance to meet.

Because of reading the card, I got a motivation to go back to work. As soon as I sat on the chair, ideas came to mind, and I start sketching.

Hours passed by and I create 5 complete sketches. I am proud with the design I just create. These 5 designs are different than the other one that I made. The color is more vibrant and I'm thinking to make this outfit as the highlight on my upcoming fashion show.

I call Melissa in and show her the design. "So, what do you think?"

"Hmm... is great, but I think you should make it a one sleeve instead of both." I looked at the design again and take Melissa word into consideration. "I'll consider that, thank you. By the way I need you to order all this fabric and I want a high quality. Unlike last time, they send us a trash fabric."

"Will do, miss. Anything else?"

"No, just that." I handed her the list of the fabric that I will need, and she left the room. Standing up, I stretch my body and pour myself a cup of coffee. It's nice to be able to do something you love without no one getting in the way. I remember back in the day my mother didn't want me to be a designer because it's really hard to be recognize and people will eventually still your design especially if you're a new designer.

What my mother said was true, but at that moment I don't care. I just want to pursue my dreams to become a famous designer and have a lot of boutiques across the world. When I told her about my ambition, she only shook her head and told me it's not possible. It almost broke my hope after hearing her said that. Eventually I met Adrianna. She pushed me and told me to not give up on my dreams even when no one support you.

With that, I study and work really hard to the point where I am here now. There are a lot of obstacles I have to face. A friend once betrayed me as I caught her stealing my design, but I manage to stop her and a guy who I trust so much left me because he got a job to work at Versace as their designer and don't have much time for me and ashamed to say that I am his girlfriend.

A lot had happened in my life. I'm just grateful that I can reach my dream with my girls by my side.


"Mom, breath."

"Don't tell me what to do!" she snapped at me, I shut my mouth immediately. Don't want to feel mother wrath.

As I arrived home, I've been surprised seeing my mother waiting for me outside of my penthouse. Her face shows it all how disappointed and angry she was at me. I thought she will be staying in Florida for a while, but she doesn't.

"You should not do that, Claire. You humiliated them."

"So? It's not my problem if they feel that way."

"You told me you won't come. The next thing I saw, is you appeared at that house out of nowhere."

"You're the one who invited me to come and say happy birthday to our dearest grandmother, and now you blame me because I come?"

"I'm not blaming that you come to the party, but the stunt that you pulled back there. I never taught you to act like that."

"Clearly you didn't know me well enough." I sat down at the couch crossing my arms over my chest.

Mom came to sit next to me and hold both of my hands. "You changed, Claire. What happened? I remember you were this sweet little girl." I scoffed. "Sweet? More like weak."

"Since you became friends with those girls, you act differently. What di-" I cut her off almost immediately and yank my hands away. "Stop mom, they didn't do anything to me. They didn't change me. I am still the same Claire you know, but they help me to find the real me. I always been seen as a weak girl, but they help me to be strong and brave. Without their help, I wouldn't be here now, I wouldn't become Claire the famous designer, I wouldn't live in this damn expensive penthouse."

Mom just looked at me after hearing my outburst. "Them. The people you called family didn't even help us, didn't even treat us like family." A single tear escapes my eye. Mom stood up, walking towards me.

"I know dear, I know. They treated us badly, but that are all in the past."

"Stop saying that!" I looked at her in disbelief. "You kept saying it's all in the past, it's all in the past. Tell me mother, do you still remember what they did to us?" she doesn't answer me only keeping her gaze to me. "Does that make a difference if it's all in the past? Does it made you forget about what happened?"

"They apologize, Claire. You should've seen it. and I forgive them." I step back with a shocked looked etched on my face. "Oh my God. I can't believe this. You forgive them that easily? Do you even know why they apologize? It's because I was there. They know I'm a successful person now. If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't have apologized to you."

"You're wrong if you think like that, Claire." I laughed. "Wrong? I heard what aunt Priscila said about me, and you still try to defend them? You are so naïve, mother, if you think they apologize to you out of the blue."

"They are still your family, Claire."

"They are not!" I yelled. "They are not my family! The family I have is only you and my girls. But now seeing you defend them..." we only looked at each other as silent engulfed us. I looked away and shake my head. "I-I don't know. I need to go." I grab my bag and head out of the door, ignoring my mother calling me.

The elevator door closed; I lean my head back to the wall with my eyes close. Another tear escape, but it kept coming and coming. The elevator door open and I wipe my tears away. I drive out from my penthouse and settle on the club. 

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