Where does your Loyalty belong?

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Red eyes frantically searched the area as the small pattering of footsteps sounded from below. Eri ran down a hallway with no stable direction merely going on instinct, her heartbeat that of a drum due to the copious amounts of adrenaline in her system. Her breathing was rapid and tired as she ran ahead. 'I have to hide!'

The main thought echoes within Eri's head over and over, her bluish-off white hair flailing in the wind that reached her due to her acceleration. 'No! He'll find me!' She held her hands close to her chest turning her head to find any place of safety, he was fast, and he would find her like all the times before but she couldn't give up maybe this time...

her head moved side to side a feeling of which she couldn't determine taking a hold of her, finally, she found a place. her pace picking up again Eri opened the small door in front of her crawling inside before closing the small wooden barrier enclosing her in darkness. Trying to calm herself Eri breathed deeply her hands gripping hard to the fabric that hugged her body closely. 'He won't find me, he can't...'

Eri gave a small gasp as the thudding of large footsteps that could easily drown out her own got closer and closer. the intervals of steps getting smaller and smaller, "I will find you." Eri closed her eyes hearing the muffled voice of a male much older than her.




Eri's heartbeat matched as the man's footsteps got closer and closer before the steps silenced entirely no indication there was anyone. Slowly opening her eyes Eri sighed out a breath of relief until the small door she had behind suddenly opened light flooding in.

"I found you!"

Eri looked to the man before her, his emerald green eyes, the unruly locks of green hair highlighted with tints of black, the man she trusted more than anyone else, Izuku Midoriya. "Deku!" Giggling Eri yelled out his nickname no thought into what it meant only knowing that it was his hero name. Being lifted into the air Eri hugged the boy tightly around his neck as she felt his arms carrying all her weight with no effort. "How did you find me..." giving a small pout Eri crossed her arms remembering why she had been hiding in the first place.

"Snowball you always hide in the same place."

"I don't know any other place..." Turning her head to the side Eri looked at the cupboard she had been hiding in, Izuku always knew where her hiding place was, but that didn't mean playing hide and seek wasn't fun, it was just the opposite especially since she was having fun with her hero. Hearing a small chuckle Eri saw the boy smile though it wasn't the one that was her favorite, it was the one that he usually did when the others were around, speaking of which.

Eri looked at the area around her the black-haired lady, was cooking something and she wasn't alone a girl with earlobes was next to her handing ingredient after ingredient mainly vegetables of some kind. Eri forgot their names if she was being honest only remembering their features, now that her mind was off the game they were playing she clutched back onto Izuku tightly she still didn't trust these people as she trusted him.

"Awww..." Turning to the aww Eri saw who she dubbed mochi girl, the brown-haired student smiling brightly at her hero the boy blushing slightly as he rubbed the back of his head, "You both are so cute!" Eri saw Mochi squeal which only tightened her hold on Izuku even more. 

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