War day 4 (morning)

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"So 9th do you plan on apprehending the invisible one today?"

Inside the large section of the sewer system of which Izuku was using as a training area, Hikage spoke out loud. His question directed to the boy who was sitting, his legs cross and his hands placed calmly on his lap, though if one were to look closer they could see his hands twitching.

"No, not yet, if I do so now the game will be canceled before I can get my hands on Bakugou before I can fulfill the purpose of the game." Izuku opened his eyes his now red one looking directly at Hikage, his voice seemed odd though, not because of his mask but it sounded in pain. "But I do have some things I need to do, yesterday was the only day of rest the heroes will have, I played with my food long enough today, I have to dwindle their numbers significantly." Standing up Izuku kept squeezing his hand, a numbing pain-filled sensation was constantly running through it but he did his best to ignore the bone fragments in his hand grinding on his nerves.

"So do you regret your decision to spend time with that girl?" Nana stepped up questioning Izuku who was walking over to the large bag of supplies he brought taking a few explosives he brought with him.

"Not at all, but I have a few days left and still so many people I need to torment before that time is up." Taking the explosives Izuku turned to leave not before he made sure his gear was fully equipped. Carrying a C4 Izuku suddenly dropped it to the floor, looking Nana and Hikage saw him holding his wrist squeezing hard, "Fuck..." This had been something that had been happening often during their training, sometimes the boy would stop complaining about a pain in his hands that seemed unbearable.

"9th? Are you okay?" Nana walked up to the boy her ghostly figure placing a hand on his back, though it did nothing physically maybe it would help him mentally.

"Now I know why Recovery Girl made the pain killers so strong." Izuku chuckled to himself, his chronic nerve pain had been active for around 5 hours now, it had been the longest he had gone without taking the pain killers he was prescribed. This wasn't a mistake by any means however, Izuku had purposefully stopped taking the drugs, the pain in his hands would go away eventually, either by his nerves giving out or him accepting the pain. His low tolerance for it now was due to him using the pain killers to escape, something he didn't want anymore no matter how painful. He knew eventually he would have to get used to it so what a better time than now.

Bending down he picked up the dropped items before walking out heading back to where he left Momo, Walking into the area he saw the girl wide awake already shaking due to the pain in her stomach, his shoes echoing off the ground garnered her attention. "Rise and shine." Grabbing Momo's bound wrists Izuku stood the girl up undoing her restraints.

Now free Momo tried to swipe at Lucifer only for him to dodge, "Now that's no way to greet someone." Using his left hand Izuku pumped OFA into his system backhanding Momo to the ground with 5% causing a few teeth to dislodge from the girl's mouth. The knuckle plating in his gloves doing their job quite well. "good thing you're a Yoayarozu, I'm sure you can get those replaced."

"Fuck...You." Momo was still ever so defiant as she spit at Izuku hitting him in his eye with her blood-filled saliva. Wiping his face Izuku glared at the girl before raising his foot, stomping her face into the ground bruising it almost instantly as her cheek swelled. With her shut up Izuku grabbed her ponytail dragging the girl forward as she tried to pry herself from his grip until they reached a large staircase in the lair. Dragging the girl up Izuku didn't care that Momo had to suffer the steps that bruised her perfect skin nor that it scaped so bad she had started bleeding. Reaching the top Izuku looked around before finding a large metal railing taking Momo to it he bound her wrists to the metal.

The Fallen Hero (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant