War Day 5 (Day)

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A pink glow outlined the hero team as they floated to the rooftops of the buildings nearby trying to stay out of the streets below, all of them were ready dressed in what remained of their hero gear, before they dropped to the rooftops, Uraraka taking a moment to hold the vomit in her mouth swallowing it. Landing next to her was her fellow teammates, all of them with differing emotions, Bakugou rage, Shinso calm, Todoroki emotionless, Iida hesitant, the others were all in the same boat of wishing that they could get what they needed to be done over with.

"Are we really doing this?" Iida looked to his friends, his classmates, he wasn't sure this was a good idea, rather he knew it was a horrible one.

"Four-eyes shut your fucking mouth and stop being a pussy, those little bitches are our ticket to victory." Bakugou glared over his shoulder his tone showing just how angry he was even without him yelling it out. They were in the east district of the city, the one part that had been untouched in Izuku's bombings or attacks the area where his influence was strongest in the city. The people below seemed nice but thanks to Shinso they knew they were all hostile.

"You agreed to our plan Iida now isn't the time to turn back." Shinso kept his gaze on the streets from the side of the building, they had discussed what Shinso had suggested back at the hero building, and everyone agreed that this was the only choice.

"Still we are targeting Hatsume and Eri a little girl we shouldn't be doing this." Iida still put up a weak protest but Todoroki placed a hand on his shoulder calming him.

"The plan isn't up for discussion you fuck sticks!" Whisper yelling Bakugou looked to Jiro who was sticking her last working earlobe into the roof of the building listening. "Anything yet earlobes?"

Jiro covered her damaged ear focusing on the conversation, "Nothing that says they are here."

"then we move on." Shoji brought his arms back all of them either ears or eyes looking into the windows of the building searching. Uraraka nodded touching each one of her teammates as they huddled together Shoji used his arms to keep them bundled as Tsu hopped to the next rooftop stopping on one that had a roof entrance.

Unlike the others they had a way inside Bakugou walked up to the door twisting the knob only for it to not budge. Jerking his head to Shoji the boy understood using his strength to rip the door off its metallic hinges placing it down on the floor the extra hands turning back into ears and eyes. "Alright 4-eyes, Icy-hot, arms, eyebags, and earlobes you're coming with me." Entering the building, Jiro, Shoji, Todoroki, Shinso, and Iida followed after Bakugou heading down the staircase.

Kirishima, Tsu, Rin, Tokoyami, Uraraka, and Mina stayed on the roof overlooking the sides, those who were built for recon were gone meaning their way of finding out anything was limited. Rin's arm became covered in scales the boy picked one off inspecting the green scale in his hand, it was durable and sharp yet he doubted it was of any use.

"I don't know if this means much to you Rin but your really manly for sticking it out with us." Kirishima strode up to Rin patting the boy on the back.

"Thanks, if this does work I at least can take the win for the rest of class 1-b." Rin sighed as he looked to the sky, his class forfeiting came as a surprise, especially from Kamakiri and Kendo but there wasn't anything he could do but do his best to win no matter how hopeless it seemed to everyone.

"Yeah that being said *ribbit* this is dangerous, who knows what will happen if we do get Hatsume and Eri, how Midoriya will react." Tsu crouched low her tired eyes forcefully opened her bloodshot eyes staring at the Hero HQ that sat in the distance.

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