Prep day 4: Waking nightmare

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Today I decided to talk to Nezu to make sure, now I had been told that the game was being held in a city that Powerloader and Cementoss built. Apparently, every class in U.A had the option of joining in the game with certain roles be that employees for a store, business associates, journalists, reporters, small-time criminals, etc... The first time I heard this I had thought of having a cover for my villainous activities it would be perfect. Walking up to Principal's Nezu's office I had another hoodie on and as I was walking I saw Uraraka and Iida walking out, spotting me Uraraka and Iida ran up to me.

"Hey Deku!"

"Hello Midoryia."

Smiling both of them looked at me apparently happy to see me, hiding my malice and disgust I put a smile on my face. "Hey guys, how is everything going?"

"It's..... going I guess, Bakugou hasn't re-" before Uraraka could give me any information Iida cut her off.

"Uraraka we can't give any information on our team away that would be extremely unheroic if we revealed anything." scolding Uraraka Iida made the girl deflate scratching her head.

"Oh yeah well it's not like it would really help him Iida, but anyways where are you heading Deku?" Turning back to me Uraraka put the sweetest smile on her face.

'Fucking prick' "I'm heading to Principal Nezu's office I have something to speak to him about." Still smiling I was glad for what Uraraka said next because my plans had just gotten a head start.

"Oh ok but hey Deku I know with the whole game going on it's better if we stay clear of each other but I was wondering if maybe you would like to hang out." I saw the light blush tinting her cheeks when she said that.

Looking Uraraka straight in the eyes I'm moved closer to her before grabbing her chin making her look up to me her blush growing larger, "Sorry Uraraka I would love to, but..." Pulling back I started walking forward gently gliding my thumb on her chin before it left, "Maybe next time." Leaving the pair alone I slightly turned my head to see Iida fanning Uraraka who had steam coming off her head, grinning i thought about the other classmates weaknesses, 'Uraraka's one sided love, Todoroki's abuse, Shinso's past, Iida's brother,' all of them could be manipulated and broken and I was going to be the catalyst for it.

Wiping the grin off my face I finally came to the door of Nezu's office, knocking i waited for Nezu to call me in which he did. "Ah Midoryia I wasn't expecting to see you, I just had a chat with Uraraka and Iida, I assume you have some things you would like to talk about, please sit?"

sitting down on the couch in the room I saw Nezu's eyes scan over to my left eye, figuring I should get it over with I took off my hood revealing my hair and eyes fully, the look of surprise crossed Nezu's face but before he could ask I interrupted him. "Before you ask this is due to my quirk, I already checked with Recovery Girl and there hasn't been any problems."

"Well if there isn't anything wrong then you may ask what you came for. Care for some tea?"

"No I'm alright, I don't really drink tea." Knowing Nezu I knew there had to be something more to the tea, it's not unlikely that he is suspicious of me especially with our first Q&A.

"A shame, so what brings you in here today, I'm sure you have more things to do for your preparation." Taking a sip Nezu looked at me with his paws folded.

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