Prep day 5: Final preparations and confessions

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Yawning I got up from my bed, the nightmares didn't affect me like they used to, so I had no issues. Grabbing a painkiller I swallowed it taking a drink of a water bottle taking it before I would need to later in the day. Getting up I got dressed looking at the time seeing that it was 7:00 am. I didn't have to meet up with the teachers until 8 pm so I had about 13 hours to make sure I was completely ready. Grabbing my hero analysis journal I read through them again and that took about an hour before I finally finished, I had a plan for almost everyone made.

With it being 8 am there wasn't any way the class wasn't awake and I really didn't want to see them especially not before the game so putting away my notebook underneath my desk and grabbing everything I needed I walked over to the balcony. Scaling down the other balconies before landing on the ground, brushing myself off I walked into the forest planning on training with black whip before checking the camera footage that had been collecting for the past few days.

Using black whip I practiced swinging in the trees of the forest memorizing how Sero and Aizawa used their quirk and scarf. Having a greater range of mobility would be essential for moving throughout the city and escaping situations that I could find myself in. Practicing for what seemed like hours I could gladly say I learned how to sufficiently move with black whip but it wasn't the best, if someone like Sero pursued me there is a chance he could catch up. Taking a break I got a text from Mei on my phone, reading it I saw that she wanted to meet up in the development studio at 6:00, texting back I told her I would be there. With that taken care of, I got back to the main purpose of today and that was checking the camera footage.

Footage of day 3 common room:

Pulling up the footage I skipped to the third day having already watched the second day. Scrolling through my gallery I clicked on the common room footage of the second day. Watching I was already seeing what I expected to.

Many of the students were lounging around in the common room, but a few of the 1-b students and my classmates walked up to Bakugou.

A silver-haired spiky teeth guy who I remembered as Tetsutetsu spoke to Bakugou, "Hey Bakugou do you have a plan to capture Midoryia?"

Bakugou hearing this got red with angry glaring straight at the boy while everyone in the common room heard him yelling, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU TAKE ME FOR YOU EXTRA!? I DON'T NEED A PLAN FOR THAT FUCKING DEKU SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!" pushing past TetsuTetsu Bakugou walked up the stairs presumably to his dorm room.

The students he yelled at simply scowled at their leader's attitude before they left doing their own things.

'No plan, no collaborating and he didn't tell them the rules, this is perfect.'

Gym gamma footage

Watching the gym footage I saw Aizawa and Shinso practicing their hero gear, with Aizawa making sure Shinso's moves were solid and moveable. Seeing this I was frustrated that Shinso was the only one doing any type of training. No one other than him was training in the gym.

Outside dorm footage

Absolutely desolate no one was training there weren't even any marks that would signify light training.

'They must think I'm a fucking joke this is the third day and there wasn't any training happening and Bakugou didn't even order light training just to stay loose.' sighing I shook my head before switching to the next day.

The Fallen Hero (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora