War day 3 (morning)

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Izuku walked through the halls of Aldera middle school, his head hung low as his uniform was disheveled and dirty. His body ached underneath the clothes he was wearing, blood-soaked bandages covering the entirety of his back and some of his chest, his mom last night had gotten drunk, and with that came punishment for even being alive at the time.

"I just have to get through the day after that..." Looking up Izuku looked at his surroundings, the school was decorated in red, pink hearts, and couples everywhere he could see. He hated this day, it served only to remind him no one could love someone like him, but there was a silver lining, his bullies would be busy with confessions and girls that they wouldn't pay him any mind...hopefully.

Shaking that thought off Izuku arrived at his locker, ignoring the threats of death and slurs written in permanent marker as he put in the combination. 'Please tell me they didn't steal from me again.' Izuku silently prayed to himself, he had learned that leaving things in his locker no matter how small was taken away from him just so he couldn't have it. The locker finally opened Izuku froze. Inside his locker was something he would have never imagined would happen in his lifetime.

Reaching inside Izuku pulled out a white envelope its contents sealed with a single heart sticker. 'W-what the fuck is this?! I-Is Bakugou fucking with me!' Izuku was frustrated, confused, scared, and a little hopeful. Clutching the letter Izuku quickly ripped it open seeing a letter written in smooth and beautiful handwriting.

Scanning his eyes over it Izuku read the letter to himself as it explained how this sender was deeply in love with him, having seen a strength he had especially after dealing with his bullies, how she was afraid to confess her feelings, and finally how she promised to be there with him even claiming she would protect him. Reading the letter Izuku teared up, 'd-does someone care about me?' Wiping the tears forming in his eyes Izuku tried to look for a name only to find none though there was a meeting location set after school. 

Shoving the letter into his uniform Izuku had a smile on his face as he closed his locker heading to class. There he stayed quiet searching around the room for which of the girls there could have possibly sent it, his mind speculating the possibilities. Though no matter how hard he searched or speculated nothing made sense in his mind and it only got worse as he had spotted the most popular girl Camie Utushimi staring at him a few times. He was anxious hours passed before the school finally ended and like how Izuku predicted the girls all surrounded Bakugou and his lackeys as the blond left the class leaving only Izuku behind who sat at his desk.

Packing up his belongings Izuku put his book bag over his shoulder making sure to be careful as his cuts stung at any impact given to them. Walking out of the class Izuku peeked his head out into the hallway making sure no one was around as he left the school, heading to the meetup location which was behind the school gym, an odd place but he didn't question it as he too would have liked privacy if he was going to confess. Exiting the school Izuku walked to the gym on his way however he had a chill crawl down his spine as he felt nauseous, "C-calm down your just nervous."

Speaking to himself Izuku smiled as he went behind the gym, his eyes going to the person who had sent him the note. He was stunned her fawn-colored long hair blowing in the wind along with her beautiful face had left him even more nervous than before. 'C-C-CAMIE!?' his mind screamed out to him what was the most popular girl doing here, this had to be a joke but he couldn't think long as he heard his name being called out.

"IZUKU YOU'RE HERE!" Yelling Izuku was ambushed as Camie ran directly in front of him, a blush on her face as she smiled brightly at him. Caught off guard by the closeness Izuku blushed as he stuttered.

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