War day 3 (day)

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(a nice date chapter hope you enjoy)

the feeling of someone shaking him woke Izuku up as he looked at his surroundings immediately spotting Mei over him with a smile on her face. "Finally you're awake!" Izuku raised an eyebrow but he couldn't get a word out as Mei dove straight into his face capturing his mouth with her's making out with him while he was too stunned to react. Then she pulled away from him blush on her face as she let out a satisfied breath.

'What the?...' Izuku was just confused he remembered being awake earlier with Mei sleeping on him but now he was awake, shaking his head Izuku looked for a clock anywhere only to see the time, it was noon. 'Must have fallen back asleep with Mei.' Sitting up Izuku's body ached with a little bit of pain as he noticed the absence of someone. "Mei where's Ibara?"

"Hmm oh she went out to survey the city, I told her to report back, in a few hours oh don't worry I made her put on a disguise." Mei stretching her arms out allowed her chest to pop out as she spoke her arms cracking along with her fingers. Izuku watched her do this as he stood up holding his side. He was still only dressed in his shorts his torso still wrapped up along with the bandage on his head.

Izuku walking to the kitchen opened the fridge to see nothing inside as his stomach rumbled he had forgotten he had barely eaten anything in these past two days other than small rations. "Mei are you hungry want to get something to eat?"

"Nah I'm good!" Smiling Mei's stomach betrayed her as it rumbled loudly the girl covering it was a bit embarrassed.

'I knew it,' Smiling slightly Izuku walked over to the girl putting his arms around her waist as they stared into each other's eyes. "Since I promised to take it easy today why don't we go out in the city, although I've been here for two days I still haven't been there for anything other than killing the heroes."

"Okay, then this can be our first official date then!" Smiling Mei went on her tippy toes leaning into Izuku's face him doing the same as they connected their lips Izuku picked the girl up as he held her.

Their lips leaving each other a small trail of saliva still connected them before it broke apart, "We should probably get ready then." Setting Mei down Izuku looked at the bathroom which was still missing the door, "Im going to take a quick shower, get dressed oh, and please don't come in while I do so."

Pouting Mei turned, "fine..."

Izuku chuckled as he watched Mei start digging into the supplies he was given talking out clothes seemingly trying to find a matching outfit. With her doing that Izuku walked inside the bathroom picking up the bathroom door before moving it to cover the entrance at least a little bit. Looking in the mirror Izuku started undoing his bandages unwrapping the bandage on his head before moving onto his body.

Slowly exposing his wounds Izuku made no reaction to the pain as the air hit the injuries especially the ones on his shoulders from Pony's horns. 'i forgot how sharp her horns were, piercing through the armor Mei made isn't a small feat.' Rolling his shoulders Izuku turned the water on waiting for it to warm up before he stepped inside.

The warm water hit his body making his open injuries sting but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle, a knife digging into your skin hurt a lot more he would know. Putting his head up Izuku let the water wash over his face the water underneath him was turning a pinkish color as it seems some of his wounds still had fresh blood the water washing took the crimson liquid with it. Left to his thoughts Izuku turned his mind to his experience this morning, the stabs in his mind as he became aware of people who he didn't know were there, and finally, him levitating off the ground but the second quirk is what made him curious he had remembered All Might mentioning something about his master a previous OFA user.

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