War day 1 (Day)

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"Bakugou, Sato hasn't reported in hours should we go looking for him?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! DUNCE FACE WE DON'T NEED TO LOOK FOR THAT EXTRA!" Yelling at Kaminari Bakugou glared at the hero team who had gathered in the hero building having completed their patrol routes and were waiting for orders from their leader. Turning away from the group Bakugou was left in his own thoughts, 'That shitty Deku got big lips already, that shitty extra couldn't even do his job right!'

The classes watching this could only look at their leader with apprehension, they all wanted to say they were going to look for Sato as he had been missing for hours and it was already 6:30 pm but the face Bakugou was making sent them all silent. Eventually a few stumbled away from the group and into the common room turning on the T.V trying to find the nerve to talk to Bakugou in his current state. Watching the T.V they were all confused when the station switched to pure darkness before a small countdown in red numbers was displayed in the background as it said live on the top right. Setsuna and a few of the students were obviously confused as to when they switched channels the same thing was seen on everything channel.

"GUYS GET DOWN HERE!" yelling Setsuna and the other students watched the countdown as the steps of the entire hero team got louder.

"WHAT IS IT LIZARD BITCH!" Stomping in Bakugou stopped when he saw the screen, the countdown already down to 4 seconds.

Finally, the countdown was brought to zero and a single light flashed on allowing everyone to see a robot head while the rest of the body was still shrouded in darkness. Initially, the heroes had thought this was a body when the head moved not making any noise while it moved erratically. Staring at the screen they heard muffles of several people before they were drowned out by a voice.

"Shhhh the show hasn't even started yet," revealing himself in the light that was on Izuku stepped into view just above the robot head showing off his hair, eyes, and mask stunning everyone watching at his looks. Looking at the camera focused on him the heroes saw nothing but coldness and hatred within Izuku's eyes as he spoke out, "Hello viewers and heroes that are watching this live, I am the villain Lucifer and I welcome you to a sight to behold!" spreading his arms out every light came to life revealing several tied up students and robots all with tape covering their mouths, the students and robots hostage visibly panicked.

Gasping out loud everyone turned to Ibara who had her hands in prayer as she heard Izuku's villain name as he had taken the name of the devil Lucifer. The rest of the class also gasped but it wasn't because of the name it was because of the many hostages that Izuku had with him. They however were confused the middle Robot was tied to a chair with a black cover across the body, they couldn't think more about it as Izuku spoke again.

"Now before you all start panicking, I'll tell you I am currently residing in the local news station taking control of the airwaves, and before you start racing to come after I want you to see what happens when someone tries to be a hero."

Watching the heroes and civilians everywhere saw Lucifer grab the black sheet on the middle robot before ripping it off showing a blood-soaked hero suit and a body that definitely didn't belong to a robot. The heroes were all tense as they recognized the costume that belonged to Sato.

"Now earlier today a hero by the name Sugarman stopped to help a citizen in need, now being the best hero he could he diligently followed the citizen ignoring all signs of potential danger not even letting his fellow heroes know about his location." putting both his hands onto the moving robots head green lightning sparked around lucifer as the heroes saw his gloved fingers dig into the head before he ripped it in half showing a severely beaten Sato with his nose purple and broken along with blood around his face.

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