Prep day 2

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Izuku Pov

Waking up I wiped the drowsiness off my face, despite going to sleep I might as well not have. Sitting up I looked over to see it was 4:00 am and so I grabbed a towel planning on showering before anyone can see my tattoos or hair. Getting out of my dorm room I arrived at the showers and seeing no one there I took my time washing off my body as the hot water woke me up. Making a mental list I thought of what I needed to do today, 'First training lessons with Snipe, I would visit Mei but I should use the time to spy on the heroes, and finally train black whip, I still don't have any control and if I'm going to win I need everything within my disposal.'

After finishing my shower I cracked my neck, before using the towel I brought to dry myself, wiping one of the mirrors in the bathroom I stared at my reflection, breathing I shook my head before exiting and going back to my dorm. Getting dressed in some sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt grabbing the drones Mei made and the painkillers I left making a stop at the kitchen grabbing a water bottle and protein bar heading out before anyone woke up.

Going to gym gamma I had about an hour or two before training with snipe so I turning on the drones I tested them, recording footage, audio, and everything especially making sure they wouldn't just explode on me. After a thorough test, I was more than satisfied with the results just like Mei said any recording was set directly to my phone. Flying each drone one at a time I set them up in specific locations not being able to control them while I was training, I set the first drone in the common room of the class 1-a dorm as it seems that's where everyone meets up. The second drone was placed on the balcony of my room all of the open space that I would assume the heroes would use for training was under surveillance. Finally, the last drone I decided to place it inside gym gamma just in case anyone were to train in here.

Making sure they were all recording, I checked the time to see that setting up the drones took most of my time and I only had 15 minutes left until I train with Snipe. Quickly I ate the small breakfast I had with me, before leaving heading back to Snipe's personal training area. Walking in he treated me as usual and the training started, shooting the usual Glock 18 Snipe suddenly stopped me.

"Midoryia I see that you're ready for something stronger in regards to sidearms, so here this is a customized 45mm long slide hard baller pistol this comes with a laser sight so all you need to do is aim put your finger on the trigger and the bullet will go where the laser is."

(If you know where this is from then you are the best)

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(If you know where this is from then you are the best)

Loading the gun Snipe slid the chamber back before giving it to me, taking aim I put my finger on the trigger the laser sight coming to life as a red dot showed on the target I was shooting at. Pulling the trigger the recoil was definitely higher than the Glock but some minor adjustments quickly fixed the problem. After a few shots snipe decided to have the targets move like we did last time and each time after correcting myself I was able to land hits on fast, slow, and non-moving targets. Running out of bullets I placed the pistol down and although I had taken a liking to the Glock this was definitely better. This would be my primary sidearm while ill keep a Glock in reserve.

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