War day 3-4 (Intermission)

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(A short in-between chapter with Izuku's training in the middle of day 3 and 4, next chapter will be the teacher PoV)

Izuku floated in the air his mind calm as he flew through the air at rapid speeding ducking in between the pillars of the sewer he was training in. Nana's apparition did the same as him directly at his side as she instructed him, "Good now explode that force outwards, gain more speed." 

Listening Izuku boosted OFA the lighting growing around him as his body picked up speed his movements were getting harder to control but it wasn't so detrimental that he would be in danger of crashing. Still, he pushed himself even further than what Nana had said going even faster but it was too fast as he had to make an emergency stop as he neared a wall, cutting off float Izuku planted his feet on the wall before jumping back rolling on the ground as he made contact reducing all damage.

Taking a breather Izuku put his hands on his head taking large deep breaths his chest flexing and deflating as he did so. Nana landed right next to him before speaking, "Good your progressing farther than I thought you would, however, it seems we found your limit, for now, so best not to go to that speed unless it's a situation that is needed."

Nodding his head izuku spoke, "Thanks ill keep that in mind. Now Hikage can we resume training danger sense?" Turning to another OFA apparition Iuzku looked at the 4th user who nodded his head. Izuku had been making great progress with his quirks, having been training for hours as it was 3:00 am and he had left the apartment near 11:00 pm.

Hikage walked up stood in front of Izuku before looking down at the boy, "Alright let's begin you know what to do."

Cracking his neck Izuku breathed out as he focused on his mind telling itself to recognize the danger around him, stabs entering his mind as he saw Momo in his villain lair struggling on the ground apparently still awake, that wasn't it as since he had viewed everyone as dangerous to him Izuku saw people above him, families of robots and students in his mind all of them sleeping in their beds.

"Good now reduce how much danger you sense within your immediate area."

Hearing Hikage Izuku thought to himself, 'reduce the civilians aren't a danger, if need be I can take them all down.' His mind convincing the quirk the range of danger Izuku sensed dropped dramatically as he could no longer see the civilians who were sleeping, instead all he saw was Momo.

"Now do the opposite."

'everyone is dangerous, they are waiting to stab me in the back like those before them, they mean to take my life.' Now the range increased instead of those just above him Izuku could see a few more civilians Izuku being able to sense their intent clearly before he cut the quirk off entirely.

"Why did you stop?" Hikage was confused as Izuku relaxed his body before looking at the time bringing his phone out looking at the time display.

"A matter of utmost importance has sprung up, Hikage can danger sense be specified to a single target? can it be set to sense only a single person who I recognize as dangerous no matter the distance?" Looking at the 4th Izuku asked this question as he got a curious look from both Nana and Hikage before the 4th user put a hand to his chin.

"I suppose it is possible, like how you can recognize a group of individuals or a person dangerous or not I believe pinpointing a single person the user deems as life-threatening isn't impossible however the range of my quirk won't extend very far or it might not work at all." Hikage was confused by the questioning but that was all Izuku needed to hear as he nodded his head.

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