Theresa's Birthday

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Theresa's POV

I was laying on the bed. My head was pounding and nose was red from using the tissue not that the fever did any favor. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I manage. The door opened to reveal a worried looking boy holding a basin if water with a cloth on his shoulder. I got up a bit to look at him.

"Don't get up. It will increase your headache more." Kotaro said as he placed the basin on the table and dipped the cloth in water and twisted it to remove excess water.

He then came up to me and placed it on my forehead.

I instantly felt the pounding on my head receding a bit.

"The thermometer?" He asked. I gave it to him as he inspected it.

"God! That's high! And here I thought idiots don't catch cold!" He laughed at his joke as I pouted.

"I'm sick you should treat me better." He smiled and patted my head as he walked towards the door.

I instantly held on to his sleeve.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to bring back some porridge Mei made and also some medicine for you."

"I will eat it later." I didn't feel like eating anything.

"Rozaliya once refused to take the medicine and she had to get injection to get her fever treated." He spoke as if remembering something.

I will whatever medicine that exists but the injection! Never!

"N-no injection. Please bring me the food and medicine. "

"That's a good girl." He teased as he left leaving me to a fluttering mess.

What the hell he only called a good girl. Stop! Don't take it to heart! You are a adult! Everyone should look up to you.

Wait! I'm not tall at all so they can't look at me. The heck am I thinking!

"Here I'm back." He said as he came back. He sat next to my bed in a chair with the tasty looking porridge in his lap. I got up from bed.

"Give it here I'll eat." But he shook his head. Taking the spoon and blowing into it, he brought the spoon near my face. My face heated up again.

"See.. You're getting warmer again. Eat it." This boy! He doesn't even know what he is doing. Geez!

I ate what he gave. We continued till nothing was left of porridge.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

He put the empty plate aside and took the medicine in his hands.

"I don't want to take medicine...."

"It's necessary for you." He said.


"Medicine is coated with sugar to make it taste less bitter. But since you like bitter melon do much, I asked Rita to buy bitter melon flavored ones." He said with a smile.

"Who won't take medicine for such a childish reason!" I shot back.

"Then what is it?" He asked.

"It's....." He leaned in.

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"I'll think about it after hearing it." He replied with a smile.

"Then I won't tell."

"Alright alright. I won't laugh.....mostly." I ignored the last word.

"........birthday party.." I replied while pulling my blanked upto my face hiding the lower half of my face.

"What?" Seems like he didn't hear.

"If I take medicine and sleep I won't be able to attend today's birthday party!" I shouted embarrassed.

"Pfft." He snorted.

" laughed."

"Sorry sorry."

"Everyone did so much hard work to make today's party. If I don't attend it wouldn't all their hard work go to waste?"

"Himeko and Fu Hua spent a long time trying to decorate the room and even you skipped your mission to come.."

He only smiled in response.

"Theresa...we can have a party whenever we want and make it as grandiose as possible but if something happened to you, there's no point in it."
I looked down. He is right.

"We can celebrate your birthday as soon as you get better."

"Alright...." I looked down.

"Here..if you drink this fast as possible I will give you my gift for your birthday."

"Really?!" I took the cold medicine and drank it. It tasted like bitter melon which I liked.

"Here. Happy birthday, Theresa." He handed me gift wrapped box which when just opened found a homu figure.

"Isn't this!!"

"Yep the limited edition of homu which was released a few days back. I bought it when I was buying the game for Bronya." He said proudly.

I placed the figure on the table near the bed.

"Thanks a lot!"

"You're welcome."

I yawned.

"Seems like the medicine is taking effect. Take some rest. I'll see you later." He got up to leave but I held his sleeve again.

"Stay here for a while, please?" I asked as I felt more sleepy. He smiled and sat back.

I held on to his hand. "Don't leave.."

"I'm not going anywhere. This is my home after all." He patted my head as I fell asleep satisfied.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I stirred awake as if I slept for a while.

"Are feeling alright?" I turned towards the voice. I couldn't see clearly cause I just woke up.

"Kotaro?" The figure sighed a bit. I rubbed my eyes and looked again it was grandpa.

"It seems you are still half asleep to mistake me for him." He sighed sadly.

"Did I?"

"You fainted in the office again. It seems you have taken quite a lot of work these days." A female voice said. I turned to look at a dark blue haired maiden with piercing red eyes like his standing behind grandpa. It seems even Amber is with her looking worriedly at me.

"Ah. Sorry for troubling you, Sil." She shook her head. "Its no trouble, Overseer Theresa. I'm happy to help." She said with her emotionless face even though her voice was full of emotion.

Grandpa got up and sighed. " Leave the work for two days. I will take care of it."


"No buts, my dear granddaughter. It is my duty as your grandpa to help you when you require." He walked towards the door and opened it.

"Take care of her, Silvia." Grandpa said as he left and was followed by Amber, she bowed to me, "I pray you get well soon, Theresa-sama." She said and left.

"Theresa..did you take medicine yet."

"I do not want to take it..." I looked at the homu figure on the table near the bed. It had dust on it now along with a few cracks, indicating it's age.

"I feel something bad will happen if I take it." Sil looked at the figure and the medicine and seems like she realised as she smiled unconsciously and sat down next to me.

"You wouldn't mind me keeping you company would you?" She asked.

"Of course not. You're company is always welcome." I smiled at her.

???'s POV

'Memory fragment (1/??)obtained.'

".........." ???'s eyes closed again.

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