Chapter 18

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Bronya had taken her full physiological examination and they found no abnormalities and let her go.

Selene had been taken for repairs as they concluded it was because of the energy emitted by it that Bronya's biochip went haywire.

Kiana's POV

I was the city buying more snacks since Mei-senpai would not make me some anymore since I ate it all before she could serve others.

Hmph! It's not my fault it's too tasty.

"Thank you for the purchase." The store clerk said with a smile and handing me the huge bag. I took the bag and left the store.

"I wonder how this one tastes." I took the white and blue designed cover and tore the wrapping and held the bun before biting into it. It was sweet.

"This is quite good." Taking another bite out of the bun I looked at the at the other side of the road where the building of St.Freya high was visible.

"Better head back and hide the snacks in my room." I took a step ahead before I saw ahead a familiar looking silver drills.

"Bratnya? Is she buying a game or something?" I raised my hand.

"Oi! Bron-" I stopped suddenly and hid when I saw Bronya was approached by a boy with brown hair, smiling brightly.

"A skirt chaser?" I was about go there and give him a beating of lifetime but stopped when I saw Bronya talking to him with a small smile on her face. She knows him? I watch as they both walk into the nearby Cafe and sit.

I put the rest of the bun in my mouth and took out my phone.

"I wonder how Ko-senpai would react." I took a photo and send it to Ko-senpai.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I deadpanned as I saw what he was holding, "Why are you holding a chainsaw?" I saw as the people looked and walked away fast not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

Mei-senpai sweatdropped with an awkward smile on her face. "I'm not even sure where he found it."

"Himeko-Sensei gave it to me. And don't mind me, I was just planning to give the Cafe a new makeover." He said with a smile which did not suit the item in his hand.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After some forced talk from Mei-senpai, Ko-senpai finally parted ways with the chainsaw.

We were in the Cafe, disguised and observing.

Mei-senpai tied my hair to a ponytail on Ko-senpai's request. I had a cap on my head too, with a blue shirt. Mei-senpai's hair had two braids and the rest of her hair was left untouched. She had a sun hat on her head slightly covering her face. I didn't get why though, I'm pretty sure I can hide well normally without such.

Ko-senpai had glasses which seemingly made his red eyes appear yellow. His hair was parted to the side giving him a nerdy look.

He pushed the glasses towards his face a bit and smiled.

"Let's order, While we observe." Mei-senpai said as she pushed the menu towards me.

Ko-senpai took it before I could.

"You don't need anything, Kiana. I already saw the bag of snacks you bought." I pouted but he paid no mind.

I paid attention to the conversation between the male and Bronya. I couldn't really make out anything they said as there were other people speaking in the Cafe. So I just turned my attention to the menu.

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