Chapter 26

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3rd POV 2 years ago, a few days after the admission of the new students into St.Freya.

Footsteps echoed around the lonely hall. The bustling hall in the morning was now silent, mostly due to it being close to night, leaving the footsteps of the black-haired boy who had a determined look in his face.

As he reached the staff room, he reached his hands near to the door to knock. Prior to this, he had taken permission for coming this from Theresa.

He knocked on the brown door.

"Come in." A male voice answered.

Kotaro opened the door and entered.

A brown haired and brown eyed man was sitting on the chair with a kind smile on his face.

"If it isn't Kotaro-kun, did you have some doubts during class?"

"I do have some doubts. But that is not what I wanted to discuss right now, Mr.Welt."

"Oh? Then how may I be of help?"

"I need to talk to the sovereign of anti-entropy." The man became alert. He started to sweat.

"As far I've heard they are still missing." Regaining his normal behavior in a second, he replied.

"Mr. Welt, you know whom I'm talking about." Kotaro said with a sly smile on his face.

"......." The man scratched his head.
"How did you find out?"

"I already knew."

"Hm? Did Cocolia tell you?"

"Matushka is too loyal for that. I already knew the moment I saw you." Welt narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I'm Kotaro Kano, an innocent boy who got caught up with the incident in Nagazora and ended up surviving due to honkai resistance. " Kotaro said with a smile.

"........." Welt gave a deadpan look to Kotaro.

"*sigh* Anyway what do you want?"

"I don't need any help with anything. But......Bronya will."

Welt tilted his head in confusion but asked him to continue.

"One day you will find her in a strange place where you wouldn't expect her to be. I will not specify the place nor the time. But when that happens, give her a test to see if she's worthy. Worthy to be your successor."

Welt understood what he meant. "You do realise that, this is not a joking matter." He said seriously.

"She's more compatible with that than you are." Kotaro said seriously taking Welt by surprise.

"What is more confusing is how you know so much?"

"I do know too much. That's the whole point of me trying to help the trio."

"......" Welt didn't understand what he meant by that.

"*sigh* Anyway, what is that place you were talking about? And how will I even be there?"

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