Chapter 28

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Kiana's POV

"Tch" Silvia looked frustrated as she picked up an unconscious Rita.

"She fainted before I could give her a piece of my mind." She turned towards me. "Let's go back, Kiana. There's no point in lingering here."

I nodded.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"!" I woke up and rubbed eyes.

"Did I fall asleep? I dreamed that I was on the moon right before some big fight." I said recollecting the dream. Fu Hua's eyes widened.

"And there was this guy who looked familiar... I don't know who he was but the called me be another name...HUA.."

.....wait a minute. Doesn't that name sound like..

"Yes, those are my memories, Kiana. Our minds may be intertwined for some reason..but your dreams can help remind of the past." She stopped and looked conflicted for some reason.

"I'm not sure if you'd believe me but..." She hesitated, "but my life stretched beyond being a Schicksal valkyrie all the way to the precious Era. I am a survivor of an ancient time."

My eyes widened in surprise.

"Wha?! I always felt you were special but what your saying is all just...unbelievable......wait...then those records we found in the lab are all true?!"

She nodded.

"Then...who's the guy talking to you in the dream?"

"Kevin Kaslana, the founding father of your house. He's also a previous Era survivor of the final battle and the greatest defender of humanity. That was the way it should have been if he were fall in that battle." She said bitterly. "But the final battle ended with such cruelty that it changed both me and Kevin... After the war ended. Kevin created the world Serpent and started carrying out the previous Era projects to Revive humanity."

"World serpent? Previous Era projects? Do they include project STIGMA?"

"Yes. The project may be important, but humanity cannot afford to pay the price it comes with. Many opposed his actions and turned against him...then he disappeared from history altogether."

"What happened?"

"I'll tell all about it later. After Kevin's disappearance the world serpent collapsed or so I thought for all these years. But those records found at heliopolis states otherwise. The serpent were lying in wait for when he returns"

She looked at me seriously.

"Listen, Kiana. We must leave Arc city. If he returns and all this is part of his plan the city will no longer the safe. If he finds you he will kill you without hesitation."

"........" I closed my eyes.


"I'm done running away from my problems, class monitor. I already know that even if I do, the problems will only pile up. I don't want to remember myself as a girl who always runs away from her problems." I said to her resolutely.

Fu Hua sighed. "Since you've made up your mind, I won't get in your way. But promise me this, if you find evidence that Kevin is in Arc City, you must leave at once."

"......I promise."

I looked around and noticed.

"No wonder there no retorts while we were talking. Where did Silvia go?"

"'I've gone to get some milk' is what she asked me to tell you when you asked."

"........." I deadpanned. "I don't know what it means but it doesn't sound like something good coming from Silvia."

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