The Watched and the Listening pt 2 - (Angst - Joe)

Start from the beginning

X sat down beside me and in silence, we watched the boy sleep. New worlds always had such a peace to them. A serenity that nothing could beat. And I wanted to revel in it as long as I possibly could before the watchers returned. But I had a job to do, so I opened the communication panel and begin typing a simple note to Notch, the head of Player Security, explaining the situation.

X watched as I pressed send before finally speaking up, "can you tell me now who you are?"

I sighed, and began explaining who I was, why I was chosen and what my job was. X just watched me, occasionally glancing back at Grian or asking clarifying questions.

"So, let me get this straight. You're job is to find watchers by listening to the world?"

"Yes, that how I knew to come to you and Pearl. Something just drove me to go there."

X nods, seeming to understand, "but what about your teleporting powers. Ex told me about those."

I pause for a moment, debating on how much to share. I didn't want to get too deep into my past. I was literally 'of the code' as Notch used to say which is why I was so vital in the Coding sector. I felt the pain of the world when the code breaks and with the help of my glasses, I could read the code in real life without a computer.

So, I just stuck with the basic answer, "I have coding magic. It's similar to an Admin's magic but more focused on keeping the world code safe and not on keeping players safe."

We sat in silence a bit long, the sun beginning to settle behind the horizon as Grian began to stir. I didn't bother paying attention, as Notch responded to me. I skim his answer as he asked if we had any leads on why Grian was like this. I asked the question to Xisuma who sat for a moment, pondering.

"Pearl said something while I was comforting her about Xelqua and a man named Taurtis. Apparently the admin Xelqua, even though he lived in isolation was very fond of Taurtis but they had a falling apart. Within days, the watchers had taken over."

I glance back at Grian, his blond hair basically golden in the setting sun, "does Pearl know what Xelqua looked like?"

"No, I asked her and she said that all she had seen was his blond hair and how it turned golden in the sun."

I glance over at Xisuma, "I think Grian is Xelqua."

"But why would be want to destroy his own server?"

I don't even have time to think of an answer as Grian shoot's up from his makeshift bed. His eyes were wide and blood shot as he glanced around the world. His eyes land on mine and just before his brown eyes turn purple, he mutters one phrase, "they're coming."

Xisuma and I shoot from our seated position on the rock as I desperately find the red alert button. The moment it's pressed, the Hermits begin gathering around us but a cry of fear from behind me caused me to spin towards it in shock.

The sight in front of me was chaos. Utter chaos. I couldn't describe it any other way.

Rocks and dirt and grass were swirling together on a mass of materials, slowly laying upon itself to create a large boulder. I had taken my eyes off of Grian so I watched as he flitted overhead on large purple wings, only to land on top of the newly formed rock.

"Oh, my word. It's happening again." Pearl spat out before choking back a sob. I glanced at her before turning my attention back to the rock and slipping out my glasses. Purple magic began to spin around Grian and within mere seconds, the boulder began to collect items from around it.

It started with a large tree sprouting beneath Grian's feet as he was lifted higher into the air. Copper cogs and metal bits were being the next thing to be drug towards it as if it were a magnet.

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