"If it isn't the perfect little 50s housewife," CJ's tone venomous. 

  Opal stops in her tracks, startled by the confrontation. "Excuse me?"

  "You know. The little woman whose husband only lets her out of the kitchen for special occasions."

  Opal still looks at the woman confused. Did they not have a cordial conversation earlier? What happened in such a short amount of time?  "I'm sorry, but I don't understand why you're speaking to me like this?"

  "I'm just trying to figure out why he's with you," she points to Opal with a disgusted look, "when he could have this," she says, straightening herself up even more in an attempt to look intimidating to the mousey woman in front of her.

  Laura looks between Opal and CJ. "Where do you get off saying something like that to a woman you don't know?" she confronts CJ, taking a step closer to CJ.

  "Who the hell do you think you are?" CJ questions Opal sharply.

  Opal only chuckles a bit before putting her hand on Laura's arm, moving her back to her original spot.  "I'm the future Mrs. Christopher Evans." Opal waves her left hand in front of the blonde before leaning in closer to her. "So, let me ask you, who the hell are you?" She gives CJ a wink before turning on her heels and walks back into the ballroom. 

  "I've missed that side of you, babe," Laura says cheerfully, locking her arm through Opal's. 

  "I think I've missed that side of me too. Felt good. Felt real good."

Opal POV

  We realize the men are not where we left them, but luckily they've taken a seat at our table. The closer we get we can hear them talking about leaving. 

  "So, Decker's?" Spencer asks us both as we come to stand behind their chairs.

  "I'm game," Laura says. "We've got something to celebrate." 

  "I'm all for getting out of this stuffy place," Janie adds. Cooper gives a nod in agreement, already loosening his tie.

  I look at Chris who has wrapped his arm around my waist, his hand resting on my hip. "I just want to be with you. Your call," he tells me. 

  My fingers have a mind of their own and begin playing with the fine hair at the nape of his neck, causing him to shudder slightly, taking a deep breath. "I think I'd like to stay a bit longer." 

  Chris looks at the group as he stands. "We're staying. Y'all go on. Maybe we'll catch up in a bit."  He moves closer to me before whispering, "or maybe not." 

  I swallow as I notice the look he has in his eyes. It makes my heart race.

  "Be careful," Laura says as she places a kiss on my cheek. "Don't lose that sassy attitude. But, if you need me to slap her, just give me a call."

  "Slap who?" Chris' brow furrows, looking down at me. I tell him it's nothing and not to worry about it. 

  We say our goodbyes, following the group closer to the exit before Chris brings me back to the dance floor. He leaves  no room between us as the melody changes from the upbeat song to something slow and sweet. I recognize the song, realizing it's one that Pops and Granny use to dance to.

  I begin to hum softly to the melody of Roberta Flack's The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.  "You know this one?" Chris asks me. 

  "I do. Was one of my favorites when I was little. Remember, I may be thirty but my music taste spans decades," I remind him.

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