51|This Little Piggy

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During the day at school, Zoey and Cory were leaning against the locker, talking. They talked for a couple minutes before Shawn raced up to them.

"Cory, Zo." Shawn called. "Do you remember that goldfish I used to have?"

"The turtle?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah. Well, I finally replaced him." Shawn said as he looked down the hall. "Here, boy." Then a cute little pig came squealing down the hall, coming by Shawn's leg. "What do you think?"

"I think he's cute." Zoey replied as she looked down at the pig that came over to her and sniffed her pants. She kneeled down on the floor and petted the pig. "Very cute."

"See that, buddy?" Shawn whispered to the pig with a smirk. "That's your mum that I've been telling you about. Isn't she already great?"

Zoey raised an eyebrow. "Mum?"

"See, I'm the dad and you're the mum." Shawn explained to his girlfriend.

"I don't know." Cory spoke, standing behind Zoey. "I'd hate to have to flush him down the toilet."

"It's a pig." Shawn told him.

"Do you know something? It is a pig." Cory agreed before he kneeled down and patted the pig. "Aw. He's cute."

"Last night I was at my old trailer park, digging around the sludge where our house used to be, and I found this little guy gnawing on my uncle Sal's old peg leg." Shawn explained.

"Poor Uncle Sal. How does he get around without it?" Cory asked.

"Who said anything about without it? Sal was there, he just never noticed the pig." Shawn replied.

Cory nodded and stood up. "Shawn, I see what's going on. I'm spending way too much time with Topanga, and this is your oh-so0subtle way of showing me that I can be replaced by a common pig."

"Come on, Cory. As flattered as you are, this piglet is nothing to do with you." Shawn assured as he stood up. The bell then rung which caused him to pick up the squealing pig. "Well, come on, Little Cory. Time for class."

"Shawn." Zoey called, standing up beside Cory and looked at her boyfriend with a confused expression.

"Hey, it's the first name that popped in my head." Shawn replied.

Topanga than walked over to the three and awed when she saw the pig. "Oh, he's so adorable. What's your name, cute feller?"

"His name's Little Cory." Zoey answered.

Topanga turned to Cory then back to the pig. "I can see that. Where'd you get him?"

"I found him." Shawn said.

"Well, we have to find a nice home for Little Cory." Topanga said.

"He has one. With me." Shawn told her.

"No, I mean a proper home, where he can run around." Topanga responded.

"He can run around with me." Shawn replied.

"Come on, Shawn. Do you really know how to raise a pig?" Topanga asked.

"Topanga, it sounds like you're trying to tell me what to do." Shawn replied with a serious expression.

"Well, it sounds like someone should." Topanga told him.

"Guys, guys, lighten up." Cory spoke, trying to cut the tension between Shawn and Topanga. "I mean, any way you slice it, it's only a pig, right?"

Zoey's eyes widen as she covered Little Cory's ears. "Cory Matthews!"

"What?" He questioned.

Shawn smirked at his girlfriend. "Look at that, you're already in mum-mode."

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