40| By Hook Or By Crook

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"Where's Cory?" Topanga asked as she walked walked over to Shawn and Zoey, who stood in the middle of Mr. Turner's classroom.

"Didn't you hear?" Zoey asked and Topanga shook her head. "He's out sick. He's real sick, he's got something bad."

"How bad?" Topanga wondered.

"Hey, today's film-strip day in Sex Ed and he's not here." Shawn answered with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, dear." Topanga sighed.

The bell then rung. Zoey made her way over to her desk and sat down, ready to learn.

"Alright, everybody, here's your test scores." Mr. Turner said, opening his bag to reveal two baby bottles filled with milk. "Oh, no... Oh, no... Oh... Your test scores are going to be delayed for a little while, until I can track down the lady on the bus with the screaming twins, who now has my bag."

"You took a bus?" Zoey asked in confusion. "What happened to your motorcycle?"

"Days couldn't start any better than this. Some guys misjudges the width of the... oh, I don't know, the whole street, and runs over my bike. And then he decided what he really needed to do now is back up." Mr. Turner explained with an annoyed expression.

"Oh, Mr. Turner, you love that bike. You must be so upset." Topanga said.

"Hey, out of respect, let's end this class right now and let the man have some time alone with his feelings." Shawn said, slowly standing up from his chair.

Zoey and the rest of the class gathered all of their stuff until Mr. Turner spoke. "Oh, no, no, no... sit down. Sit down. I need to be around people."

"So you going to get it fixed?" Zoey wondered, crossing her arms on her desk.

Mr. Turner nodded. "Oh, yeah. On my enormous teacher's salary I can get the bike fixed. And with the money I have left over... Ha! I can buy licorice."

"Here's what I got for you - two words. Uncle Mike's." Shawn told their English teacher, who had a confused expression. "I'm gonna need more words. Uncle Mike's Motorcycle Repair Shop."

"Your Uncle Mike?" Mr. Turner asked.

"Just thought I'd mention it." Shawn slowly said and walked over to Mr. Turner. "You can think about it tomorrow on the bus. I'll just be leaving a business card."

Zoey couldn't help but smile as she watched her friend pass Mr. Turner a card.

"Lucky Leo's Bail Bonds and Prosthetic. One way or another, we get you on your feet." Mr. Turner read off the card.

"Sorry, wrong uncle." Shawn apologized, handing Mr. Turner the correct business card.

When class had finished and the bell rung, Zoey scooped up her books, chucking them in her backpack before zipping it up and throwing it over her shoulders, rushing out the classroom.

"Francis." Mr. Turner called. Zoey sighed, turned around and walked to her English teacher. "Do you know where this place is?"

Zoey nodded. "I sure do."

"Well, would you like to help me find this place?" Mr. Turner wondered.

"Okay." Zoey answered with a small smile.


After school, Zoey showed Mr. Turner where Shawn's Uncle Mile's shop was at. When they entered the small reception area, Zoey spread her arms around the place.

"Ta-da." She said.

"Hi there." Mr. Turner greeted the middle-aged man at the reception desk. "Uh... I'm looking for uncle Mike."

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