106| And Then There Was Shawn

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It was official. Topanga and Cory have broken up for good.

Shawn and Zoey strolled into Mr. Feeny's class, hand-in-hand. Zoey walked over to her desk, dropped her schoolbag beside the straight-backed chair and sat down.

Shawn frowned when he saw Cory in his seat. "Hey, what are you doing in my seat?"

"Well, the wife and I aren't together anymore and I figured it would be safer if I had a buffer." Cory explained with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, this break up is now having severe ramifications on me." Shawn complained, unhappy with their new sitting arrangement.

"Ooh, ramifications. Nice word, Jughead." Mr. Feeny commented as he walked around the classroom.

Shawn turned to Cory with a displeased look. "You see? Now Feeny knows I'm in the class."

"It's just logistics, Shawn. Listen, if I sit that seat, I can still smell her hair, hear her breathe, watch her sweater go up when she raised her hand." Cory listed.

"Fine." Shawn responded before he pointed stern finger at his best friend. "But I'm only between you two, okay? I'm not in the middle of you."

Kenny, a classmate who was sitting on Topanga's left leaned over to her. "Hey, Topanga, can I borrow your big pencil?"

"They're not divorced, Kenny!" Shawn exclaimed as he jumped from his seat and glared at Kenny threateningly. "It's just a trial separation. And don't think I don't know what borrow a pencil means, okay? Nobody-Nobody's borrowed more pencils than Shawn Hunter."

Cory got up and began to pull Shawn away. "Hey, thanks for not getting in the middle of this."

"Babe, he was just asking for a pencil." Zoey told her boyfriend.

"I know what he was asking for, and if he asks again, I'll stab that big pencil through his heart. You hear me, Kenny, huh?" Shawn snarled at him.

"Why is Shawn so obsessed with you, too?" Angela whispered to Topanga.

Topanga shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but he's almost taking it harder than me and Cory."

"We'll return to the Young and the Restless right after this word from Feeny, and here the word... shut up." Mr. Feeny announced, obviously annoyed at the interruptions to his class.

Shawn raised his hand and stood up. "Mr. Feeny, I'm sure if you recall the pain of being stabbed in the back by a girlfriend-"

Topanga's eyes widened and she stood up, turning to glare at Shawn. "I didn't stab him. He stabbed me."

Cory stood up with a huff. "Oh, I'd stab myself before I'd stab you."

"Here's an idea..." Zoey spoke as she stood up form her desk. "How about I stab you both so this entire thing can be over with? Kenny, give me that pencil!"

"I don't have one." He grumbled irritatedly.

"Now listen.... this class will not be more interested in the romantic goings on of its students than it is with whatever the hell I'm teaching." Mr. Feeny snapped with a scowl. "Matthews, go sit on that side of the room. Lawrence, you sit on this side. Right now, let's go!"

Cory and Topanga scooped their books off their desks and made their way on the opposite sides of the room.

"Mr. Feeny, you can't do that. You're contributing to the furtherance of their apartness." Shawn complained desperately.

"I'm trying to teach a class here." Mr. Feeny said sternly. "Now, Mr. Hunter, Nebraska?"

Shawn scoffed. "Oh, don't try to change the subject."

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