112| Things Change

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Zoey, Shawn, Topanga, Cory and Angela were squished into their usual booth at Chubbie's with their attention focused on Cory as he held five envelopes.

"I have in my hand five envelopes from the office of admissions at the University of Pennbrook." Cory announced.

Topanga snatched the letters from him. "You robbed our mailboxes!"

"That's a federal offense." Angela remarked as she took her letter.

"I am so proud of you." Shawn commented.

"And I expect nothing less." Zoey added, reaching out to grab her mail.

Topanga opened her letter first. "I'm in! I did it, I'm in!"

The group instantly cheered for her as Shawn took a picture with his camera.

Angela went next and she quickly scanned over the words. "Oh, well, I guess not everybody can get in... but I did!"

The group cheers once more while Shawn took another picture.

Zoey opened her letter and a large smile formed on her face as she read it. "I made it, too!"

"I'm so proud of you!" Shawn exclaimed as he took a picture of his girlfriend's excitement. He pressed a sweet kiss against her lips before turning to his best friend. "Why don't you go now, Cory?"

Cory quickly opened his letter. "I'm in! I'm in! Those idiots let me in!" Everyone cheered and applauded for him. "We got one more to go and let's not lie. This is a toughie. Shawn, no matter what happened, I love you."

Shawn took a deep breath before he opened his letter.

"Wait list!" Shawn announced joyfully.

"What?" Cory asked, his face falling in shock.

"I'm on the waist list, so if they don't get filled up with all the people that they've already accepted, I'm in." Shawn explained.

"But the plan was for all of us to go to school together." Cory protested.

"What's the big deal? We're always gonna be friends." Shawn assured.

"No, no, no. Everyone says that and then they graduate from high school and they never see each other again." Cory argued.

"Could that happen?" Shawn wondered.

"I'm getting you into Pennbrook." Cory insisted.


While Cory was whittling away the class size of Pennbrook, he convinced Zoey to talk to Shawn about how important it was that they all attended college together.

That afternoon, Zoey headed over to Shawn's job after asking around, she found the room he was working in. When she stepped inside, she was startled by the sudden lack of light.

"Wow, it's dark in here." Zoey said.

"You're exposing my photographs." Shawn said as he raced over to the close the door, leaving them in the dark. He gave her a smirk. "That's why it's called a darkroom, babe." He then returned to his station. "Come on, I've only been here three weeks. You want to get me fired already?"

"No." Zoey admitted sheepishly. She walked up behind him and rested her chin on his shoulder to observe what he was doing. "Watcha workin' on?"

"Developing these photos. Do you want watch?" Shawn asked.

"Sure." Zoey agreed. "You can explain it to me in a rare moment that you know something that I don't."

Shawn chuckled before he pointed to one of the trays as he began to describe the process. Zoey watched as her boyfriend enthusiastically described each step, surprised by how much passion he had with this job. She didn't think she'd ever heard form him sound so excited about something.

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