41| Wrong Side Of The Tracks

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Zoey walked down the schools halls, her bag slugged over her shoulders but stopped when she saw Shawn talking to Jill, a pretty brunette.

"Say it again." Shawn insisted.

"Yes, I'd love to go out with you." Jill said. Zoey gripped tightly on her bag strapped and clenched her jaw tightly.

"Now say it with my name." Shawn said, leaning against the lockers.

Jill giggled. "Yes, Shawn, I'd love to go out with you... Shawn."

"Well, who's Shawn?" He wondered, smirking.

"You are." Jill answered.

Shawn smiled. "I know."

Jill let out a small giggle before she walked away from Shawn. Meanwhile, Zoey walked down the small flight of stairs and towards Shawn.

"Hey, Shawn." Zoey greeted.

Shawn jumped slightly and placed a hand over his heart. "Don't do that to me, Zo."

"If I didn't do it, what's the point of fun?" Zoey said with a teasing smile.

"Jill Hollinger... wow!" Cory exclaimed as he approached his best friends with an impressive smile. "This is a whole new type of girl for you."

"I know! She's got style, she's got elegance, she's got... parents." Shawn responded.

"Hey, I have parents." Zoey called, gaining Shawn's attention. "Well one of the parents left the other, but still, I have parents."

"Yeah, but..." Shawn trailed off, looking at her clothes. "I don't think you have elegance, Zo."

Zoey stared at him with wide eyes. "What did you say to me?"

"I'm just saying, you kinda lack elegance." Shawn explained.

Zoey looked at Shawn with hatred. Without hesitation, she slapped him across the face before storming away from them.


In Mr. Turner's class, Zoey sat at her desk with a slight frown on her face as she fumbled with her fingers. Shawn tried to look at her with pleading eyes, to tell her how sorry he was, but she avoided his eye contact.

"Topanga, you wrote your biography on who?" Mr. Turner wondered as he stood at the blackboard.

"Someone I really admire - Katie Couric." Topanga answered.

"Oh, please..." Cory whined before he began mocking Katie Couric. "I'm so perky, I have such a big smile." He groaned. "She's a phony. At least pick someone real."

"Okay, Cory, who are you picking?" Topanga asked, turning around in her chair to face him.

"Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise." Cory answered confidently.

"Cor, he ain't real." Zoey stated with raised eyebrows.

"Come on, Matthews. Real people." Mr. Turner said, approaching his desk. "The assignment is biography, not fiction."

"La-la... la-la-la-la." Cory quickly said, covering his ears with his hands, blocking out Turner.

"Captain Kirk is a made-up TV character." Mr. Turner said.

Topanga pulled Cory's hands down from his ears. "It's the truth."

"No, it's not!" Cory exclaimed.

"Matthews, come on. The guy's sixty-three years old. He wears a tribble on his head. It doesn't have to be somebody famous. Just somebody real. Anybody you like." Mr. Turner explained.

It's My Life • Shawn HunterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz