144| The Honeymoon is Over

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Rachel, Angela and Zoey were in the kitchen enjoying some breakfast. They were all relatively quiet as they ate their meal. However, their silence didn't last long when Cory and Topanga walked into the apartment.

"Hey, I'm home from the honeymoon, and I want some salami." Cory said as he walked over to the fridge.

"Hi, there, married girl." Rachel greeted Topanga.

Topanga smiled widely. "Hello."

"Wait a minute. Where's the salami!" Cory demanded, closing the fridge. "Topanga, I'm home from the honeymoon. Where's the honeymoon welcome salami? We are moving in here."

Rachel stared at Angela and Zoey with wide eyes. "He said, 'moving in'."

"I am equally troubled." Angela said.

"What does he mean by 'moving in'?" Rachel questioned.

Zoey hesitantly turned to face her best friend. "Cory?"

"I mean, a man movies into his new house, he expected to find a nice deli spread." Cory explained.

"Cory, we'll go grocery shopping together. It'll be fun." Topanga insisted.

"You know what I like to do at the grocery store? Ring the butcher bell and then run away. Girls, I'll tell you, there is nothing funnier than an angry butcher." Cory said with a chuckle. He then turned to his wife. "Where's the magazine? I gotta do my business."

"Cory!" Topanga exclaimed as he made his way up the stairs. She turned to face her best friends. "Isn't he cute?"

"H-He things he's living here." Angela nervously stated.

"Of course he is. Where else would he be living, silly?" Topanga asked as she approached the three of them.

Zoey groaned. "Oh, Topanga, you said after you got married, you'd be moving out."

"We will be... eventually." Topanga replied.

"Oh, boy." Rachel muttered.

Topanga furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why did she say, 'oh, boy'?"

"Oh, boy." Zoey and Angela sighed.

"Why did they say 'oh, boy'?" Topanga wondered.

"Hey, Zo!" Shawn called as he walked into the main part of the apartment, wearing his bathrobe. "I tried your body wash. I smell like vanilla."

Cory walked up to his best friend and sniffed. "You do. You really do."

"Hey, guys." Blake greeted as he walked out from the hallway and stood beside Shawn. "Topanga, I packed up all the stuff from your room, and I put it right there."

"Why would you do that?" Topanga asked in confusion.

"Cause it was in the way when I moved into the room." Blake answered simply.

"Why would you move into the room?" Topanga wondered.

"Because I live here now, and you don't." Blake replied.

"Oh, I get it. They think we don't live here anymore." Cory said, walking down the stairs. "That's why there's no salami!"

Topanga glared at Blake. "You moved into my room?!"

"Alright, Topanga, calm down. Calm down, okay. We're gonna find you a place to live." Cory assured his wife.

"You don't live here either." Zoey informed Cory.

"Honeymoon's over." Cory announced.


Later that day, Shawn and Zoey walked around the college grounds hand-in-hand. Zoey couldn't help but be excited about the wedding. They trusted David and Lucy with the wedding plans and only had to worry about are the dresses and tuxes.

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