2| On The Fence

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During lunch time at school, Shawn, Cory, Zoey and Ellis, a kid in their class, sat at a table in the cafeteria.

Zoey leaned back in her chair, eating her sandwich.

"Say you could pick any superhero to be your dad, who would you chose?" Cory questioned.

"Batman, no questions." Ellis tellies quickly. "Live in a cool cave and borrow the batmobile."

"I'm guessing that Eillis is going with Batman." Zoey muttered with a slight smirk.

"He lets Robin hang out with him and play with all his stuff." Shawn explained. "And Robin isn't his real kid. He's his ward."

"How do you get to be a ward?" Ellis asked.

"Batman?" Cory questioned as he raised his eyebrows, glancing between the boys. "Is he faster than a speeding bullet? I don't think so. Is he more powerful than a locomotive? Uh-huh, I want superman."

Shawn shook his head. "See through walls, you can't get away with anything."

"Because I'd make somebody a very cool ward." Ellis continued, answering his own question.

"I would love to have Superman for a Dad." Cory stated.

Zoey huffed. "Well, if my Dad didn't leave, I'd want him to be Superman as well."

Shawn, Cory and Ellis turned to the Zoey and gave her a look.

"See boys, this is why she's our best friend." Cory said.

"Hey, there's Minkus." Shawn called.

Stuart Minkus was basically a nerd. He had dirty blond, bowl cut hair, whilst he constantly wore a pair of glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose.

Zoey watched Shawn grab something out of his bag... it was a water gun. He pulled the trigger and shot water at the back of Minkus' head.

"Ow." Minkus muttered as he continued reading his book.

"Woah." Cory gaped at Shawn's water gun. "The 2000-C Hydro-Saturator."

"Careful." Shawn warned. "If Feeny sees this baby on school grounds, he'll shag it and I'll have to sit out the water wars."

"Lady and Gentlemen, meet the Hydro-Sat 3000-Z Blow your head clean off." Ellis said, showing his friends his water gun which was a lot bigger than Shawn's.

"The 3000? That's not even supposed to come out till Christmas." Cory said, looking at the water gun.

"I know a guy." Ellis simply said before shooting water at the back of Minkus' head.

"You really shouldn't do that." Minkus warned as he got up from his seat.

Shawn chuckled. "What, are you going to melt?"

"No." Minkus said, bringing out a massive instrument case. He turned to them and held an even bigger water gun. "I'm going to retaliate." Shawn, Cory and Zoey's eyes widened, looking at the water gun. Ellis aimed his water gun at Minkus. "Go ahead... make me wet." Shawn, Cory and Zoey turned to Ellis, who paused for a moment before lowering the water gun. "Wise choice."

"Ah, who needs one of those?" Cory wondered as he began to walk over to the water drinking fountain. "For your information, a well-placed water balloon can give you just as much splash for your cash. Like everyone's gonna have a humongous water gun."

Shawn and Zoey took out their water guns from underneath the table and aimed them at Cory.

Once Cory was finished filling his water balloon up, he turned around to see the entire cafeteria aiming their water guns at him.

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