38| Danger Boy

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Shawn and Zoey were over at Cory's place. Inside Cory's bedroom, Zoey laid across his bed reading a history book, Shawn was at Cory's desk while Cory went downstairs to get some food and drinks.

"Ha-ha!" Cory laughed in excitement as he rushed inside the room. "Hey, guys, looks at me, I'm a fountain."

Zoey looked at him like if was a crazy person. "What?"

Cory then balanced on one leg, spread his arms wide and spat out water like a fountain through his mouth. Zoey turned to Shawn, who just shook his head.

"You had to ask didn't you?" Shawn questioned Zoey, who have him an innocent smile. "Cor, where's my drink?"

Cory's face slightly dropped when he forget the beverage. "Oops."

"I'll go get one." Shawn insisted, getting up from his seat and walked towards the bedroom door. "You want one, Zo?"

Zoey shook her head. "No thanks."


During later in the day, Cory and Zoey walked down the stairs of Chubbies to get something to eat. The two had been looking for Shawn everywhere but couldn't seem to find him.

"Hey, Chubbie." Cory greeted the owner of the diner at the counter.

"Hey, how you doin', Curley?" Chubbie asked.

"What do you got for a single guy out on town with one of his coolest girl best friend?" Cory wondered.

"Envy, my friend." Chubbie answered before he turned to the brunette. "Hey, Zoey."

Zoey smiled. "Hey, Chubbie."

"Not tonight, Chubb. It's just me and Zo tonight." Cory said.

"Why aren't you hangin' around with your pal Potsie?" Chubbie wondered.

Zoey furrowed her eyebrows. "Shawn?"

Cory shrugged his shoulders. "I looked. I can't find anywhere."

"Let's see who Chubbie can find." Chubbie said, picking up an order. "Forty-one!"

"Forty-One, that's me." Shawn said, making his way over to the counter where Zoey and Cory stood.

"Potsie!" Cory exclaimed. "Chubbie, that's amazing."

"Nah. You want to see amazing?" Chubbie asked. Zoey nodded and watched as he picked up another order. "Sixty-Two!"

Then out of nowhere an adult man walked up to the counter dressed up like Elvis, with the hair and everything.

"Hey, Chubbie, you got any pie with that burger?" 'Elvis' asked, grabbing his order.

"You don't need it, King." Chubbie answered.

"Okay, thanks. But don't tell anybody I was here." 'Elvis' said.

"Zip." Chubbie responded. The 'Elvis' guys nodded before he turned around and walked off.

"So Cory, how ya doin'?" Shawn asked.

"You know, I tried calling you. Where you been?" Cory wondered, putting his hands into his pockets.

"I've been here. As it happens, I'm in mid-date." Shawn answered with a smile plastered across his face.

"Oh, yeah? Anybody I know?" Cory asked, interested.

Shawn shook his head. "No, she's imported from New York. The windy city."

"So, can I check her out?" Cory wondered.

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