11| The Father/Son Game

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Zoey stood in Mr. Feeny class along with everyone else. The class was reciting the Pledge of Allegiance except Topanga, who just sat in her chair. Zoey looked at her like she was crazy.

"And to the republic for which it stands... one nation, under God... indivisible... will liberty and justice for all." Zoey said, along with the rest of the class and Mr. Feeny.

When they finished reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, they all went back to their desks. Zoey sat down in her chair, and watched Mr. Feeny slowly making his way to Topanga's desk.

"Miss Lawrence, I couldn't help noticed... that you didn't recite the Pledge of Allegiance this morning." Mr. Feeny told her.

"Yes, sir. I elected not to." Topanga responded, calmly.

Mr. Feeny was taken back. "Why was that?"

"I didn't feel like it." Topanga said.

Zoey's eyes widened slightly at her response. A second later, Cory turned around and faced Shawn and Zoey, with a wide smile plastered over his face.

"This is gonna be cool." Cory stated, rubbing his hands together in excitement.

"What was that, Mr. Matthews?" Mr. Feeny asked.

"Uh..." Cory trailed, turning back to Mr. Feeny. "I said, this is gonna be cool, Mr. Feeny."

"Why?" Mr. Feeny questioned.

"Cause you're finally gonna nail Topanga for being weird." Cory responded with a slight chuckle.

"Do you think it's weird to engage in social protest?" Mr. Feeny asked, as he approached Cory's desk.

"I think it's weird to pick on me when she didn't say the pledge of allegiance." Cory said, pointing at the girl in front of him.

"Well, Mr. Matthews... it seems that you and Miss Lawrence have opposing positions for this morning's debate." Mr. Feeny told him.

"Uh-oh." Cory muttered.

"You've been set up, bud." Minkus said to Cory, smiling proudly.

Cory leaned over his desk towards Topanga. "Mr. Feeny told you not to say the pledge?"

Topanga turned around and gave him a smile. Zoey huffed, before her attention went back to Mr. Feeny, who was beginning to write on the black board.

"Today's social studies discussions - American traditions... the Pledge of Allegiance versus social protest." Mr. Feeny informed the class, as he wrote 'Pledge v Protest' on the black board. "Mr. Matthews, defend Old Glory. Miss Lawrence, defend the right to dissent."

Cory sighed before he and Topanga stood up from their seats and turned to the class.

"Just because it's a tradition doesn't mean you have to do it." Topanga said.

"But it's the Pledge of Allegiance." Cory told her. "It takes, like, ten seconds to say. Why can't you just say it and make everyone happy?"

"Because if I'm forced to do it just because it's some tradition I don't understand... then it doesn't make me happy." Topanga responded, placing a hand over her heart.

"Can you spell... peculiar?" Cory wondered, raising his eyebrows.

"And you're normal?" Topanga questioned. "You talk to a flag every day... and you don't even know what you're saying."

"But I do it. I do it because I'm supposed to do it. And that's what makes me a great American." Cory said, as Shawn and Zoey started humming 'Glory, Glory, Hallelujah' along with Cory's speech. "That's what makes this country great. That flag. Because that flag gives us the right to have this discussion. And this discussion is the most important discussion we will ever have, and -" Cory stopped when the Bell rung. "Out of here!"

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