96| I Love You, Donna Karan: Part 1

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Shawn and Zoey were sitting a table in Chubbie's watching Blake and Angle having a date from afar. Zoey was glad that her brother was going out and meeting new people.

"Blake and Angela are so cute together." Zoey observed with a small smile. "Maybe next weekend, the four of us could go out-"

"'the four of us'." Shawn repeated as he chuckled.

Zoey furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"Blake has a two week rule." Shawn explained.

"How do you know this and I don't?" Zoey questioned.

Shawn shrugged his shoulders. "It's guy talk."

Blake and Angela talked before they both stood up. Angela wasted no time and made her way to the stairs while Blake walked over to the table where his friends sat. As he faced them, Angela paused on her way out the door and turned to look back at her now ex-boyfriend. She paused for a moment before resuming her path to the exit.

"That Angela's all right." Blake commented. "I'm gonna miss her."

Zoey rolled her eyes. "Well, then why did you break up with her?"

"As they say south of the border, dos semanas." He answered.

"Blake, you guys were really getting along! You know, your two week rule is dumb. You're acting like Shawn before we were together." Zoey told him in frustration.

"No, no, no." Shawn disagreed. "His one week rule was dumb. His two week rule shows growth."

"Blake, just face it, you're afraid to make a commitment." Zoey said.

"I'm not afraid to make a commitment!" Blake protested.

"You're afraid to get to know someone." She continued firmly. "You're afraid of letting someone get to know you. And unless you get over this, you're going to go through life all alone. There. I think I got through to him."

Shawn gave her an incredulous look as he nodded to the boy who had turned around and started kissing another girl.

"Sure, you did, honey, and now he wants to hear what she has to say." Shawn said.


Next day at school, Blake had a free period and decided to go visit Shawn at the high school. He was the only one who knew Zoey the most.

When they met with each other, they began talking about Zoey as they walked down the flight of stairs.

"Hey, what did Zoey mean about me being afraid to commit?" Blake questioned. "You know, most relationships don't work out, and I just want to get out before anyone gets hurt, okay?"

"Blake, she just wants you to be happy." Shawn told him.

"Yeah." Blake muttered. As they passed the sitting area in the hall, an unattended purse caught their attention. "Hey, look. Somebody left their purse."

Shawn walked over and picked it up as his teacher left his office. "Hey, Mr. Feeny, we-we found this purse. Who runs the lost and found?"

Mr. Feeny paused and gave him an odd look. "I do, Mr. Hunter. I teach English, history, and film and I run the lost and found."

"We'll put up a notice." Shawn told him quickly.

Mr. Feeny sighed before he walked away.

"Maybe you should go through it and see if there's an ID?" Blake suggested as they made their way to the couch.

"No." Shawn replied immediately. "Not gonna. I once went through my mum's purse." He passed the bag to the other boy. "Yeah, I can't look at her the same way."

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