42| Pop Quiz

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During school, Cory, Shawn and Zoey were currently playing football in the hall. Zoey was in defense while Shawn was offense.

"Steve Young takes the snap." Cory began.

"Jerry Rice goes longs." Shawn said as he and Zoey ran towards the bathroom.

"He throws a perfect sixty-yard pass and hits..." Cory trailed off as he threw the ball which hit Frankie. Zoey's eyes widened in fear. "A blue 1995 Buick Regal."

"Run!" Shawn yelled. He grabbed Zoey's hand and dragged her through the hall with Cory.

The three noticed that they weren't being followed and looked around the corner to see Frankie and Joey, sitting together, looking down at a piece of paper, not moving from their places.

"They're not moving." Zoey said as she panted.

"Maybe they lapped us." Shawn said.

Cory, Shawn and Zoey walked out behind the corner and slowly approached Frankie and Joey, nervously.

"Uh, Frankie, Joey, I realize it's none of my business why you're not beating us up, but why aren't you beating us up?" Cory wondered.

Frankie and Joey didn't respond as they continued looking at the piece of paper.

"Maybe they don't understand." Shawn suggested.

"I'll translate." Zoey told the boys, changing her voice into a New York accent. "Why ain't you pounding us to a pulp?"

No response.

"Here... here, let me try." Shawn said. He walked over to Frankie and grabbed his arm. "Hey! Why not this?" He imitated being punched.

"Sorry, the thrill is gone." Frankie replied.

"Too bad. What you got there?" Shawn asked, gesturing to the piece of paper Joey held.

"It's a letter from Harley Keiner." Joey answered sadly.

"It's okay, Joey." Frankie assured.

"How's Harley doing in his new reform school?" Shawn asked.

"It's called juvenile boot camp." Frankie corrected. "He loves it, thank you very much."

"He never wants to come home." Joey informed, starting to choke up. "He doesn't say it here, but I think he's got a new gang."

"Are you okay?" Zoey asked, looking between Frankie and Joey.

"You don't get it. We're lackeys... We're hangers-on with nothing to hang on to." Joey answered.

"Come on, Joey, we might as well go to class." Frankie said before picking up Joey in his arms and carried him.

"It's come to this." Joey whimpered as they walked down the hall.

"Okay, we're back live. Second half." Cory said, taking the football out of Shawn's hands and backed up which caused Shawn and Zoey to do as well. Zoey waved her arms frantically in front of Shawn, trying to block him. "Steve Young back to pass."

"Jerry Rice is open." Shawn called as he moved out of Zoey's reach.

"He throws!" Cory shouted and threw the ball.

Mr. Feeny came around the corner in front of Shawn and Zoey, and caught the ball with ease.

"Intercepted!" Zoey exclaimed in annoyance.

"By Feeny." Shawn said.

"The wily veteran." Mr. Feeny added.

"I stink." Cory remarked.

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