104| First Girlfriend's Club

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Valentine's Day is said as the day for showing love, affection, and care towards our loved ones. It is universally accepted as the day for expressing love. On this day people exchange cards, gifts, flowers and other symbols for telling their feelings to their loved ones.

Love is an eternal feeling and for celebrating this feeling Valentine's Day is made.

At school, Topanga, Angela and Zoey walked out of History class. During the class both Angela and Zoey instantly knew something was wrong with Topanga due to the fact she only answered 12 questions

"Okay, what's with you?" Angela wondered. "Feeny asked twenty questions, and you only answered twelve."

"She's right, Topanga." Zoey agreed, clutching her textbooks to her chest. "It's not like you."

Topanga reached into her pocket and pulled out an envelope that was addressed to Cory. "This fell out of Cory's bag at the ski lodge. I think it might be from Lauren."

"Talk-all-night Lauren?" Angela asked as the three of them sat on the couch in the sitting area. "That girl should have a radio show."

Even though Angela wasn't at the Ski Lodge trip, Topanga told her everything that had happened between Lauren and Cory.

"I don't know. I haven't read it." Topanga admitted, staring at the letter.

"Yeah, right." Angela said, snatching the envelope out of her hands. "Hey, you did a good job of sealing it back up."

Topanga shook her head. "No. Really, I didn't read it. It wouldn't be right."

"And stealing your boyfriend is?" Zoey questioned, giving her best friend a pointed look.

"All they did was talk." Topanga explained.

Zoey pursed. "Mhmm."

"Ooh, there's a new saint in town.... Saint Topanga of the deep, deep denial." Angela said.

Topanga gave her a look. "Okay, you say denial, I say trust."

Angela placed her books down on the table and quickly opened the letter. "Whoops! Look at that. It opened."

"No! No! I don't want anything to change my relationship with Cory. I don't want to read that letter. I want to burn it." Topanga quickly said, facing away from her friends as Angela began reading the letter.

"Actually, you don't have to burn it. This thing's already smoking." Angela muttered as she read it.

"Give me that." Topanga demanded, reaching out.

Angela quickly passed the letter to Zoey and faced Topanga warily. "I don't think you should see this."

Zoey stood up and stuck her arm out so that Topanga couldn't reach the letter.

"No. Please. Give it to me. No!" Topanga exclaimed as she desperately reached the paper in her hands.

"Topanga, I'm trying to protect you." Zoey told her best friend firmly.

"You're right. I don't want to read that letter." Topanga said. She paused for a moment before snatching the letter out of Zoey's hand. She sat on the couch and began reading it. Her expression instantly dropped. "Oh, no."

Zoey frowned. "I'm sorry, Topanga."

Topanga didn't say a word as she stared at the letter in disbelief and shock. She then stood up and marched her way over to Cory and Shawn who stood in the middle of the hallway, Angela and Zoey trailing behind.

Without hesitation, Topanga body slammed Cory into the lockers.

"I want to talk to you!" Topanga demanded.

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