9| Class Pre-Union

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Sitting at her desk in Mr. Feeny's classroom, Zoey tried not to laugh as Minkus and Cory were dressed up as King George and George Washington. Minkus was wearing a crown, while Cory was wearing a pirate hat with white hair.

"Taxation without representation. Kind George?" Mr. Feeny asked, turning to Minkus.

"We provide the colonists with all their finished manufacture goods. We deserve remuneration." Minkus explained.

"General Washington." Mr. Feeny said, turning to Cory.

"Fine. Keep your goods. Like we need your stinking British goods. We're American. We're independent. We'll get our goods from Japan." Cory said.

Mr. Feeny crossed his arms over his stomach. "General, I'm dying for you to elaborate."

"What's the point, Mr. Feeny?" Cory asked. "We all know that we kicked British butt."

"Winners and losers aside, General. If we do not understand history... we are doomed to repeat its mistakes." Mr. Feeny explained.

"Oh, who cares about George Washington? Who cares about King George? Was every boring guy in history named George?" Cory wondered. Zoey couldn't help but chuckle as Mr. Feeny looked up at Cory, who smiled innocently at him. "I mean, every dead boring guy."

"Apparently, the past holds no fascination for you." Mr. Feeny told Cory.

"No. It's happened. It's done." Cory said.

"It's history." Mr. Feeny corrected.

"I'm saying." Cory said, and Zoey smiled slightly.

"Perhaps we should study your history, Mr. Matthews." Mr. Feeny suggested.

"I have no history, Mr. Feeny. I'm eleven. I'm more interested in my future." Cory said, as he took a seat beside Mr. Feeny.

"Oh, well, then it might be more interesting... for us to look into our future... to see if we can avoid our mistakes before they happened." Mr. Feeny said to the class, standing up.

Shawn sighed. "I smell an assignment."

Zoey turned to Shawn and taunted him, as she tilted her head to the side and pouted. "Awe, doesn't Shawnie want to do the assignment?"

Shawn gave her a pointed look. "Shut up, Zo."

"I swear I didn't see it coming." Cory muttered.

"The assignment for all of you is to create personal histories for yourselves... as if you were returning for your twentieth high school reunion." Mr. Feeny told the class.

"More like a pre-union." Minkus suggested.

"Well said, Mr. Minkus." Mr. Feeny said, before turning back to the class. "You are the graduating class of the year 2000. What is your profession? Do you have children? Are those children tormenting their sixth-grade teacher?"

Minkus stood up. "Mr. Feeny, would it be okay if I brought my wife?"

Shawn scoffed. "Oh, come on, Minkus, what's going to marry you?"

"Topanga." Minkus said, looking her at flirtishly.

"Ooh!" The entire class said as they turned to Topanga.

"Why, Stuart, I'm flattered that you would consider me as a potential life mate..." Topanga trailed off.

Zoey turned to Shawn, confused. "She's flattered?"

Shawn shrugged his shoulders, before the two of them turned their attention back to Topanga.

"But I'm not sure... I even recognize the institution of marriage." Topanga finished, holding her hands together on top of her desk.

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