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High School.

Today is the day that Zoey, Shawn and Cory are finally going to High School.

There was an explosion in Zoey's brain... the good sort... the type that carries more possibilities than she could be conscious of... but there were hundreds of ideas there in that buzz of electricity... she could feel it. Zoey was so excited to start High School.

She was standing in her room, looking at herself in her full length mirror. She casually wore a black pair of jeans and a white singlet with a blue flannel. Her hair was up in a messy bun with strands falling alongside her cheeks.

"You look good." A voice commented form behind her.

The brunette jumped as she turned around to see Shawn standing beside her window. He wore a red shirt with a red plaid over the shirt, whilst wearing a brown vest over everything. Zoey chuckled when she also noticed that he was wearing fake sideburns.

"How?" Zoey questioned, before pointing at the two giant caterpillars on the sides of his face. "And why are you wearing that on your face?"

"One; I climbed through the window, and Two; to make me look older." Shawn said with a smirk.

Zoey sighed. "I'm guessing we're going to Cory's house?"

Shawn nodded. "Yeah, come on."

And with that, Zoey grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulders before she rushed out of the house and to the Matthews


When Shawn and Zoey arrived at the Matthews backyard, Shawn came to a halt. He began looking through his bag furiously, as if he was looking for something. He let out a groan before he opened the door and stepped into the kitchen. Zoey walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Cory, I lost my copy of the plan." Shawn said in frustration. "I knew I shouldn't have left the old school. I was so cool in the old school. They had no right to pass me. I am an idiot!"

"See? Shawn's not reinventing himself. And look at Zoey, she's normal." Mrs. Matthews said from the kitchen table, sitting beside her husband.

"Shawn..." Mr. Matthews trailed, looking at Shawn's face. "Are those sideburns?"

A small smile crept onto Shawn's lips. "You mean the ones on my face?"

Zoey couldn't help but chuckle as Mrs. Matthews stood up from the table and approached the three of them.

"It's just that when we saw you yesterday, they weren't on your face, were they?" Mrs. Matthews asked.

"Mrs. Matthews, you just can't accept the fact that Cory, Zoey and I are growing up. And we're old enough now to..." Shawn trailed off, noticing the pointed look he was given by Mrs. Matthews. "buy our own hair."

"You've got a glue spot on your cheek." Mrs. Matthews pointed out as she tried cleaning it off, before she want back to the table.

Cory turned to Shawn and Zoey, and pulled out his notepad with a smile spread across his face.

"All right, look, we've got all the answers to high school right here." Cory said, gesturing to the notepad. "Having a big brother finally paid off."

Zoey heard footsteps coming down the stair case. She looked to see Eric approaching his little brother with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Cory, sign this." Eric said, passing Cory the paper before sitting down at the table.

Cory looked at the paper and began to read it. "With regard to my brother, Eric Matthews, hereafter referred to as 'Oh, Great One,' I, Cory Matthews, hereafter referred to as 'insignificant speck,' pledge never to contact the 'Great One', verbally or non-verbally, during any and all school hours, from this day forward, forever and ever." He folded the paper. "Amen."

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now