52| Truth And Consequences

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At school the three were currently in Mr. Williams social studies class. Mr. Williams then presented Shawn and Cory's journalism project. Zoey leaned on her hand, bored as she watched it. When their journalism was over, Mr. Williams turned the TV off.

"Hunter, Matthews. Wake up." Mr. Williams said. Shawn and Cory both lifted their heads from the table. "We gotta watch your report, you gotta watch it."

"But it stinks." Shawn stated, waking up.

"Maybe Mr. Williams doesn't know it stinks." Cory muttered as he woke up as well.

"Oh, he knows." Mr. Williams replied.

"Well, I for one think that students have a right to know how their food is prepared. Cory did an excellent report." Topanga said.

Zoey nodded in agreement. "What she said. Shawn needs a little bit of work, but did great."

"You two are in item, right?" Mr. Williams asked, looking at Cory and Topanga who nodded. He then looked at Zoey and Shawn. "You guys, too?"

"Oh yeah." Shawn answered while Zoey nodded with a smile.

"Matthews, Hunter, you got yourselves good women. But the assignment was to find me a news story. Now, how is Jell-O news?" Mr. Williams wondered.

"When it's used for evil." Shawn answered.

"People, in my years as a news producer I learned two things, right? You gotta tell the truth, and make it interesting. You gotta find a grabber. Now, you two keep that in mind as your redo your assignment." Mr. Williams told Shawn and Cory.

"Redo? Oh, come on, Mr. Williams. Everybody knows media arts i supposed to be an easy A." Shawn said.

Cory slapped Shawn. "Maybe he doesn't know that."

"Oh, he knows." Mr. Williams said, placing a tape on Cory's desk. "People, we go on the air in four days. There's no reason why we can't have a great broadcast."

"Mr. Williams, it's just public access. I mean, we're on after the origami lady." Cory replied.

"Actually, she's amazing." Zoey said.

"Yeah. She can fold up her body and make herself into a ship." Topanga added.

"Ain't nothing wrong with that." Shawn said with a smirk. Zoey leaned over and smacked the back of his head. "Ow!"


Next day at school, Shawn and Cory sat at an empty table in the cafeteria. Zoey approached the table, placing her tray of food down on the table and sat down beside Shawn.

"There's gotta be another story out there, Shawn." Cory ranted.

"Like what? We've tried Jell-O, we tried dancing women." Shawn said.

Zoey glanced up from her apple she held. "Do I even want to know?"

"Probably not." Cory answered honestly.

"There's nothing else out there." Shawn said.

"There's lots of stuff. Crime. Scandal" Cory listed.

"Hey, you know, we could do a story on my uncle Vic. The one that was set up?" Shawn asked before he paused. "Nah, it wouldn't work?"

"Why?" Cory asked.

"There's a pretty good chance he'd kill us." Shawn replied.

Zoey's eyes widened. "Yikes, don't need that."

"All right, then. All right, we'll find a sandal of our own." Cory stated.

"Where? Here at John Adams? There's no scandal here." Shawn replied.

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