130| Resurrection

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The next day, Zoey sat on the waiting room quietly with a book open on her lap, though she wasn't reading the words. Blake sat beside her, his leg bouncing nervously.

"You know, I think everything's going to be okay." Blake said.

Zoey frowned. "I hope so."

"What do you mean you hope so? You think something bad is gonna happen?" Blake wondered.

"Something bad has already happened." Zoey replied.

"I know. I just.... I want you to make everything better." Blake admitted.

"How do I do that?" Zoey asked.

"Just be here with me." Blake said softly as he placed a hand over his heart.

Zoey sighed sadly. "I wish Shawn could be here."


When they arrived in the now-familiar waiting room, Blake took the couch off to the side while Zoey chose to sit in the chair next to him.

"Blake, I'm scared." Zoey admitted as she fumbled with her fingers.

"Why are you scared?" Blake asked.

Zoey stood up and began facing around the room. "I'm scared that something worse has happened to the baby."

"Nothing's worse is going to happen, Zoey." Blake assured.

"How can you be sure, Blake? There's isn't anyone who can make it better." Zoey responded.

As if on cue, the elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal Shawn.

"Zo!" Shawn exclaimed brightly.

Zoey's heart leapt at the sight hi and a wave of relief washed over her. In a way, he was the Topanga to her Cory because now she could believe that everything would work out, just because he was here.

"Shawnie!" Zoey called, risking any sort of awkwardness and rushed at him herself to throw her arms around him.

Even thought they'd spoken a few days ago of the two-plus weeks Shawn had been gone, him being there in person was so much different than just hearing his voice. Zoey buried her face against his shoulder as she relished in the comfort being so close to him brought.

Shawn hugged her tightly as he unknowingly felt the same relief that she did. He closed his eyes at the familiar vanilla scent of her hair and the warmth that came from.

He had missed her so much.

They separated reluctantly, though he kept his eyes trained on her face to try and read her expression. Zoey smiled softly up at him.

Shawn placed his hands on Zoey's shoulder. "Look, everything's gonna be alright."

"You think?" Zoey asked.

"I know." He assured. "I tried to reach you at the dorm, Topanga told me what happened. I drove back as fast as I could. Hi, Blake."

"Hey, Shawn." Blake greeted.

"So? How's the baby?" Shawn wondered.

"It's really serious, Shawn." Zoey replied somberly. "He's so small. He's having a hard time breathing and he can't fight the infection."

Just then, Lucy and David came out of the main hallway, followed by a pair of doctors.

"Hey, Shawn." Lucy greeted.

Shawn made his way over to them. "Hey, Miss. King, David. Is everything okay?"

"No. Xavier hasn't responded to the antibiotics yet." Lucy explained in a quiet tone.

"Dr. Markman was kind enough to sit with us for the last three hours." David added. He turned to the doctor. "Thank you."

"Of course." Dr. Markman said.

Blake furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait a minute. You gave him more medication?"

"We've given him all the medicine we can give him. We've been in there sitting with him and talking to him. What happens next, it's up to Xavier." Dr. Markman explained.

"The doctor thought it would be a good idea if you went in to say hello to your brother, too." Lucy added.

"Yeah, sure." Zoey agreed. She turned to face her best friend. "But I'd like Shawn to come as well."

As Shawn began to follow the siblings through the doors, a female doctor reached out a hand to stop him. "Oh, I'm sorry. Family only."

"He is family." Zoey said, placing a hand on Shawn's arm.

The Doctor nodded and led them through the doors.


After Blake, Shawn and Zoey gotten dressed in scrubs, they went into the quiet ICU room. Parents stood by enclosed cribs and talked quietly to their new-born children. Some read prayers, some reached through the enclosed space to rest a hand on their child and some just stood and gazed at them softly.

There was the occasional beep of heart monitor and a palpable melancholy air about the room. Xavier was in a crib by the window which Shawn, Blake and Zoey stood around as they looked at him through the clear glass.

"Hi Xavier." Blake murmured. "I'm Blake. You have to get better, okay? I always wanted a little brother. This is Zoey, she's your sister."

"Hey, Xavier." Zoey greeted softly. "Look, you got to let the medicine get you better, okay? You've got a lot of people who really love you. Please get better, Xavier."

Shawn walked slowly around the crib. "Hi, Xavier. I'm Shawn. Look, this is the second time I've been in the hospital this year and I don't really like the way that the first one turned out, so I want you to listen to me. I've been out of town. See, I was in a real bad way and I went looking to see what was important in my life. I met a lot of people out of town who were looking for the same thing. Now you're in a real bad way. I came back here because I want to tell you something. Don't go out of town. Don't go anywhere. Life is right here with these people. With your family, and my family. We got the greatest family there is, Xavier. We want you to be with us, so we can watch you grow and see you change and make great memories together."


Thankfully, there was a miracle and Xavier was soon being brought out of the hospital in his mother's arm. Lucy and David were smiling happily as they showed off their son to their gathered friends and family.

"What kind of place is this, huh?" Shawn asked. "First I lose my dad here and then this little miracle, a new brother to watch grow up. I get my family back."

"So, you're tired of tumbling, tumbleweed?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah. There's too much going on here to be someplace else." Shawn replied. He then gave her a teasing smile. "Valentines, Zo?"

Zoey narrowed her eyes. "But I thought-"

"It's a yes or no question, Zo." Shawn told her.

"Sure." Zoey said, placing her hand in his and felt the familiar tingle that came from whenever their skin touched.

They walked out of the hospital together.

PUBLISHED: January 2, 2019
WORDS: 1125

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now