14| The B-Team Of Life

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Zoey stood in the school hallways with Shawn and Cory. The three of them were talking to each other before the gym teacher put up a list for the basketball team.

Everyone immediately rushed over to it.

"There it is, the list - who made first string, who made second string... and who didn't even make the basketball team." Cory said, leaning against the wall.

"What do you think is worse? Second string or not making the team?" Shawn wondered.

"Second string." Cory said, fiddling with the basketball in his hands. "What do you think it worse? Second string or falling out an airplane and landing on the edge of the Estate building on your eye?"

"If you make second string, you still have to sit on the bench in front of everyone." Zoey pointed out, crossing her arms over her stomach. "The uniform are always clean, and you're always get a high number eight-hundred and sixty-seven."

"Not something any of us have to worry about, however. We're not second string, bench warming, B-team guys." Cory said.

"I made the B-team! I made the B-team!" Minkus exclaimed, before approaching the three of them. "Can you believe it? Wait till I tell my father!"

Shawn, Cory and Zoey watched as Minkus raced down the hallway.

Zoey scoffed. "Why don't we check the list? Just to make sure Coach spelled your names right."

The three of them walked over to the list, and Shawn was the first to find his name on the list.

"Hunter, Shawn. A-team." He informed. He high-fived Zoey. "Surpriserama!"

Next up was Cory. He walked over to the list and began to find his name.

"Matthews, Cory. A-Team." He said confidently, before he quickly looked at the list again. "They spelled A with a B!"

"Dude, you're reading the wrong line." Shawn told him.

Zoey walked over to the list and checked it out for herself. She sighed. "Matthews, B-team."

"Come on, guys. It's got to be a typo." Shawn said.

"It's handwritten!" Cory exclaimed. "I'm on the B-team, second string. Just drop me on the Empire State Building."

"Ah, so what?" Shawn said, grabbing the basketball out of Cory's hands.

Zoey shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, Cory. No big deal."

Shawn and Zoey began to start backing away from Cory. The two of them smiled innocently.

"Doesn't change anything. I mean, it's not like you're going to lose your friends." Shawn told him, before he and Zoey quickly turned around and ran through the halls.


Zoey sat in the classroom, whilst Mr. Feeny was teaching the class about history. She couldn't stop smiling as Shawn was helping out with the explanation.

"Homo sapiens. Modern man." Mr. Feeny said, standing behind Minkus, who was also helping out with the explanation. "As you can see, he walked fully upright... has espousal thumbs and was know for..."

"A mother who labels his underwear." Shawn said. Zoey couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"At least I have more than one pair." Minkus muttered.

"Moving back through history we devour to the Neander haloids... who made and used tools. now, can anybody tell me what was going on before the Neander haloids?" Mr. Feeny asked the class, and Minkus raised his hand. "Anybody?" Minkus waved his hand. "Anybody but Mr. Minkus?" Mr. Feeny said when no one raised their hands. "Take it away, Minkus."

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now