67| Brother Brother

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Zoey was spending the last few days of school with Shawn and Cory. The two boys were playing basketball while she was cheering them on.

"Okay, fine, Topanga's going to camp, and it's an all-girl camp." Cory began and threw the basketball into the ring. "But I mean, there's no threat there. There's more time for us, the golden trio of summer."

"Cory, I'm gonna spend the next two months traveling with my dad." Shawn informed.

"The golden due of summer!" Cory exclaimed.

"Sorry, Cor. I'm going to England to see my cousins." Zoey hesitantly announced.

"I'll just be the boy of summer." Cory said with a slight frown on his face. "All right. Just me. Fine." He turned to face Zoey. "I thought you were gonna keep me company?"

"I haven't seen my cousins in years, Cor. It'll be good for me to see them." Zoey told him.

Cory then turned to Shawn. "And I thought you were staying home?"

"Well, I am. I man, that's the beauty of a mobile home: wherever you go, you're home." Shawn responded.

Cory frowned. "So you guys are leaving too."

"Not for a couple of days." Zoey said, trying to cheer him up. "Are you okay, Cor?"

"Yeah, yeah. Fine. I mean, I can do without my best friends and my girlfriend for a couple of months, right? I mean, it's not like I can't make new friends." Cory said as he sat down beside an older woman. The old woman held up a piece of bread and he opened his mouth to allow her to feed him. "See?"


Zoey sat beside her boyfriend, Cory and Topanga in the back room of Chubbies where Eric's party was held. Zoey was very glad that Shawn was between her and Cory, since Cory was moving side-to-side with his arms thrown over his girlfriend and best friend.

"Take your arm off me, man. You're making me nervous." Shawn said, shrugging out of his best friend's grasp.

"Topanga, am I making you nervous?" Cory asked.

"Uh-huh." Topanga answered, freeing herself as well.

Mr. Feeny clinked his glass to get everyone's attention. "If I may, I have something more to say. Eric, earlier this year, it was doubtful that you would graduate, but you responded to the pressure, applied yourself, and not only grew as a student but as a person. I, for one, couldn't be happier."

"Thank you, Mr. Feeny." Eric said gratefully.

"Oh, also I brought a little gift." Mr. Feeny said as he reached under the table. "I took the liberty to pull this and have it framed." He turned to face the group. "Your high-school diploma."

Everyone clapped apart from Cory as Eric accepted his gift.

"Oh, oh, Mr. Feeny. Oh, thank you. And I know how much you hate to be touched but give me this one, huh?" Eric asked and reached over to hug Mr. Feeny.

Mr. Feeny patted Eric on the arm. "Alright, alright, Eric."

Mr. Matthews walked over to the group and nudged Cory. "Hey, buddy. Don't you want to say something?"

Cory shook his head. "No, that's okay."

"Come on, Cory. He's your brother. You should say something." Topanga said.

"He's your family, Cor." Zoey added as she leaned into Shawn.

"You know, I really don't think I could've done this without everyone in this room believing in me." Eric said, looking around the entire room with a grateful smile. "That's why this diploma, which signifies my intelligence, belongs as much to you as it does to... I."

"Me." Mr. Feeny corrected predictably.

"I include you." Eric told him.

"Oh dear." Mr. Feeny muttered.

"Hang on. I do have a toast to make. Attention, everybody." Cory announced, standing up and turned to face his brother. "To my brother, Eric, who's moving out, and not just for four years, probably forever and I don't even know him. And now I probably never will. Fifteen years in the same room, Eric. Fifteen years." He stuck out his hand. "Goodbye. I-I hope you have a nice life. I really do."

Cory turned to the room, who were all silent. He frowned before walking out of Chubbies.


Zoey let out a heavy sigh as Lucy parked behind the Hunter's trailer. This was going to be the last time she will see her friends until school returns. She buckled her seatbelt and opened the door, sliding out.

Zoey joined Shawn, Topanga and Cory at the park. Cory looked absolutely miserable due to the fact his friends and girlfriend are leaving.

"Aw, Cor." Zoey said with a frown. She reached out and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry."

Cory shook his head as he pulled apart. "It's fine, Zo. What are you doing here?"

"I'm on my way to the airport and I couldn't leave without saying goodbye." Zoey explained.

A horn was heard from the street.

"That's my bus." Topanga sighed.

Then another horn was heard.

"That's my car." Zoey said with an apologetic smile.

Then a horn that played La Cucaracha was also heard from the street.

"And that's my house." Shawn informed.

"I should get going. I'll miss you." Topanga told Cory and kissed him briefly.

"Me, too." He replied.

Shawn grabbed a hold of Zoey's hand. "Can I walk you to your car?"

"Sure." Zoey replied, intertwining their fingers. She turned to Cory and Topanga and waved. "Bye, guys."

After they said their goodbyes, Shawn looped an arm over Zoey's shoulder and began to lead her to the waiting car. They were silent for a moment before he rested his forehead against hers.

"I'm gonna miss you." Shawn whispered.

"I'm gonna miss you more." Zoey told him.

Shawn stares into Zoey's eyes and smiles. His two hands grabbed her left hand and placed her open palm on his heart, and he held it there. His eyes exude love, protection, security, safety, patience, and respect.

Zoey smiled and he lets go of her hands, with one hand running his fingers through her hair and gently guides her face closer to his, eventually leaning her in to rest her head on his chest. His other arm wraps around her.

PUBLISHED: May 6, 2018
WORDS: 1040

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