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this entire chapter is flashbacks of the last three months.

this entire chapter is flashbacks of the last three months

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Hope is a dirty 4-letter word. It's misleading. It's a lie.

But it's all I have.

I hope to god someone will find us. I hope Jackson figured out we are missing by now. I hope Owen sent someone to find us. I hope that Arizona's infection in her leg won't kill her. I hope Mark will be alive when we're saved. I hope Meredith will stop crying over Lexie. I hope that the wolves will stop going after Lexie's body so I can just get some damn sleep. I hope Derek won't lose his hand. I hope Cristina will recover from this. I hope my baby is still alive.

I hope that we will survive this...but I don't know if we will.

When the hope turns into turns into something real...that feeling is indescribable. Sometimes, it's euphoric. Other instances, hope pulls through right in the knick of time. This is one of those instances.

I tried so hard to stay awake with Cristina so I could help her clean out Arizona's wounds and resuscitate Mark, but I gave into the sleep taking over me. I'm tired. I am exhausted.

And then I heard the helicopter blades and the light in my face. It was so bright, I couldn't see what was happening. I held my hand up to try and shield it but I realized what it was. It was hope.

I don't remember much until now, in the hospital. I'm just so tired.

I seem to have a gap in time. One moment, I was in a plane and the next I was on the ground. And now I'm in a hospital.

I looked around to see the wires hooked up to me. "W-What's going on?"

"Dr. Hana-"

"Where's Cristina and Meredith?" I asked frantically. "Where's Lexie?" I yelled.

"Dr. Hana, do you know where you are?" The doctor asked me as she shined a light in my eye.

"Surgery. I need to be in surgery. I have to operate on conjoined twins." I replied and tried to stand up. She stopped me. "I'm going to be late! I have to go!"

"Dr. Hana, you were in a plane crash. You're in Idaho. I need you to relax." She said and sat me back down.

Plane crash. Oh my god, I was in a plane crash.

Lexie is dead.

The tears fell from my eyes now. I'm safe. We're not stranded anymore. I'm safe now.

"Oh, Lexie." I cried. "W-Where's Mark? Is he okay?"

"We're treating Mark in the room over. I will get an update for you once I am finished."

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