Chapter 48

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, folks! My computer was giving me grief yesterday and today, but I finally got everything fixed!

Here is a double-update to make up for yesterday! 

Don't forget to vote on the chapter!

Chapter 48

"I don't think this is a good idea, Amelia."

Rachel sets up a pillow for me as I set up my scrying bowl. We're in the backroom of Nancy's clinic, who was kind enough to not ask any questions. I, however, have plenty of questions to ask—all of which are in desperate need of answering.

"I have to find him, Rachel," I crush the last of the lupine I brought with me from Oregon. "Remind me to ask Mallory to bring some Kinkaid's Lupine next time she's—"

"Okay, but Amelia—"

"You're not going to talk me out of it," I understand her concerns. Truth be told, I'm trembling in fear. Nothing good ever came out of seeking him...but I don't have much of a choice. Every other lead or clue I've had isn't panning out right now. "Stand outside the door. Make sure no one comes in..."

"Fine, but I don't think we should be doing this—I don't care if Adrian knows—"

"What does Adrian know about?" Jace walks into the backroom but stops the moment he takes in the scene in the room. Rachel holding a chest of vials and silver, and me leaning over a jar of herbs and a scrying bowl. "What the fuck—"

"Long story. I'll explain outside," Rachel touches my shoulder as she ushers Jace outside again, "Mel, please be careful."

"In and out," My humor drops the moment the door shuts behind them. I turn towards the bowl and take a deep breath, "Okay, with me here."

Usually, I try to avoid summoning anything with a scrying bowl. It usually takes me too far into a vision and I feel exhausted afterwards, but I need this to work.

So when I lean over the bowl and stare into my reflection, my resolve is hardened. I reach up and drag my fingertips against his Mark. It's hard to concentrate when I press against the sensitive area, but I soon get lost within my reflection's gaze again.

Come and see. The spirits sense me drawing closer to their realm. Their presence freezes the room over until I can see my breath.

"Show me Orion," I whisper to my Guide, whose reflection stares back at me now. Her blue eyes pierce the water surface.

The air in the room stills. The spirits become quiet. I nearly lose focus and resist the overwhelming urge to look up. I can't break eye contact with her—not yet. Show me Orion.

Orion. Orion. Orion.

The breath is knocked out of me with the burst of energy that explodes within the room. Again, the temperature in the room drops. The water in the scrying bowl freezes over. Iphigenia slowly looks up and away from me.

"You called?" Footsteps. He's in the room with me. I slowly look up from the scrying bowl and towards him. "Hello, Amelia."


"Such hostility for someone who asked me to visit you," He crouches in front of me, "Now...what do you want, you little bitch?"

"I want to know why you haven't killed me—"

"Your Moon hasn't told you that much? Yes, They always were cagey on the details, huh?"

"I want to know why you helped fully awaken my Wolf and saved me the other day."

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