Chapter 27

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Media Citation: Bitkisel Ürünler Şifalı Bitkiler Doğal Kozmetik - LokmanAVM®. "Pooja Design Rooms." Plybasket, 25 Sept. 2021,

Chapter 27

"Here we go. One sentimental athame. I hope this is worth getting ripped a new asshole—because that's what's going to happen when Alpha Adrian finds out."

I look up at from the bag I'm digging through and sigh in relief as Rachel holds out Stephanie's athame, "It's my sister's. That bitch shouldn't have had it in the first place."

"Well they haven't hauled us to the guillotines despite the Luna's complaint of someone being in her room. But I think we got lucky this time, Amelia."

"I know," I reach out and squeeze her hand, "I really appreciate you putting your neck on the line for me, again and again, Rachel."

"No prob—I do it 'cause you're just so cute and loveable," She smiles and hands the athame over, "What are you planning on doing with it?"

"I need to talk to my sister somewhere where we both can interact. It takes too much energy do that here—for both her and I," I'm mesmerized by the way the light dances off the blade's edges. A small drop of blood stains the wooden hilt, but the brass blade is pristine otherwise. "This was hers."

"I'll...leave it you to it then," Rachel kisses my cheek before she hurries out of the room. I don't blame her for wanting to get away.

Setting the blade on the floor, I cross my legs and look into the reflection it casts. Soon, my eyes glow bright blue, and I focus my mind on finding Steph.

The world collapses around me. The black water of my inner mind ripples around me. It seems different. There's more energy in this place. Another source of power is here with me.

For a moment, I think it's Orion. My heart clenches in fear and I look around. But my eyes fall on someone who I hadn't expected to see.


She's dressed in a white sheathe. Her blond hair flutters behind her like there is a strong breeze pushing it back. When she walks, small shoots of grass and plants sprout from the water.

"Amelia," She smiles, "It's nice to finally speak to you."

I look down at the athame. It makes sense that she's here. Steph may have owned the blade, but it was Cynbel who had created it. That's what Adrian had told me when he first saw it.

"Thank you...for helping me and Rachel the other night. Well—thank you for every time before that too."

"It's my pleasure." So this is Adrian's mate. She's painfully exquisite. Her hair is a pale blond but with the faintest hint of red...and her cat-like gaze is even more piercing in this Plane than in the world of the living.

"Where is my sister?" I ask her but she shakes her head.


I stare at her, unable to comprehend the elven beauty that she is. Her features are angled and soft—her eyes an ethereal color like Iphigenia's. Freckles sprinkle over her like a thousand galaxies converging. A gold laurel rests on her head.

"Did you know," I ask her breathlessly, "that you were the Prophet of Artemis?"

She comes to sit in front of me, tucking her legs underneath her. She's quiet and quaint, almost like a deer. "I had my suspicions."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not as obvious for me as it was for you. The Prophet of Artemis isn't plagued by as many visions as the Prophets of Hekate and Selene. I began to realize who was I through the connections I had with Nature, and the Werewolves."

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